
Joel 2 v 28 - 32
"whoever calls on the Name of the Lord...

The Lord made a (new) covenant with His people (Israel) according to Jeremiah 31 v 31 and will keep His promise. A covenant that will eventually see a remnant of the Jews saved when Jesus returns, while the gentiles (all the other nations), who accept Christ, are merely “grafted in” to the branches of which Jesus is the vine (John 15) and the root of salvation (Rom 11).

There is still much to take place and great wonders await us, before “the great and awesome [yet terrible] day of the Lord comes…” and even though many long for His return, there will be those who ignore the signs of the age we are living in. Difficult times lie ahead and “the days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land– not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD” (Amos 11 v 8) [NIV].

My prayer for you is that if you are seeking an “unknown god”, longing for deliverance, call upon the Name of the Lord today, and He will answer your call. Approach Him just as you are, for He came, not for the righteous, but for the sick, the broken… God made a promise to the Jews and He also made a promise to us. Should we die to self, and accept His grace, we will be saved.

Do not make the mistake to think that you have time and that you can simply call on Him on your terms, when you decide you are ready to make the commitment. What if you do not get the opportunity? Seek Him today, while He can still be found, for a time of great trouble will come where you will long for Him, but it will be too late.

May the Lord’s Spirit convict you today and show you the need for repentance and salvation. Amen

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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