
Do you feel lost? Remember, “all who wander, are not lost.” Fix your eyes on the Lord, He will deliver you. Place your hope in Him and you will not be disappointed. Please join us for “5 days on hope” and discover the Lord’s promises when you put your trust and hope in Him.


2 Kings 19 v 14 - 19
"Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear..."

Hezekiah’s prayer is a good example of how we should approach the Lord. Firstly;

  1. he acknowledges God’s Sovereignty.
  2. then requests that the Lord “inclines His ear”, as if the Lord does not know his every thought…
  3. finally He prays for deliverance.

In the above we can see the absolute respect Hezekiah has for the Lord, especially when he doesn’t simply expect the lord to listen to his petition.

What he asks for is asked in the Name of the ONE and ONLY (living) God. He knows that only God can deliver them from the hands of the evil king, who blasphemed against the Lord.

May we too, show the respect God deserves when approaching His throne of grace. Humble yourself before the Holy God of Israel, knowing there is no other God besides Him.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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