
May we too eat from the book [scroll] (Rev 10 v 1 – 11) and when we do I pray that it doesn’t only taste as sweet as honey in our mouths, but when we digest the words that our soul is restored, our mind and spirit renewed and our bodies cleansed through it.

May we endure a little longer until the mystery of God is accomplished, whether some will still be in the flesh while others perhaps in the spirit, I don’t know…  what I am confident about is this;  if we stay faithful and not become deceived by the great falling away that is taking place as we speak, if we listen and obey God’s word every day and give Him everything we can offer as a living sacrifice – we will ultimately be saved out of this world.  

We cannot live from bread alone dear friends, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God.  Live each day while elevating the truth of God above all other things and the reward will be worth your while.  Thank you for your partnership in this fellowship.  May the Lord bless you and your loved ones with the riches of His blessings and keep you safe.  Yours in Christ


Matt 24 v 37 – 51 is a reminder that we need to be ready for the Lord’s sudden return – it will be unexpected for many, a time of judgement, weeping and gnashing of teeth – but not for us, should we remain faithful and sensible, abide in His word and listen to his Spirit.  I long to be that slave who is rewarded for looking after the Lord’s “household” and taking care of the needy.  A reward NO amount of money can buy, but instead the gift of life, everlasting life. 

Are you with me on this beloved friends and brothers in Christ?  Will we be part of the small remnant Christ comes for because few are chosen?  Not that they who are shut out eventually, due to rejecting Him did not have a choice and for that reason we should strive to run the race with all our heart and fill our lamps with oil, seeing that we don’t know the time nor the day.  Don’t be caught off guard when the trumpet blows.  Be alert and sober at all times.  Have a blessed day and grab every opportunity to witness to the world.  Yours in Christ


We serve a living God, you know that…  He is loving, caring and compassionate, you know that… but how often are we so blinded by our own pride, we “forget” that He is Righteous and Just and will judge us according to our actions.  Listen to what the Spirit says and obey the Lord’s commands.  Let us drink from the waters of (everlasting) life and refresh our souls.  We should long to spend time with our Creator in prayer and meditating on His word – day and night.  Live a life of praise and worship everyday and be a living testimony of how God empowers us to live holy lives.  Amen

Read Rev 22 v 12 – 20 and be reminded of the above.


Brothers, may this day be filled with joy, peace and laughter.  May you experience the love and grace of God.  I pray that the Lord will bless you with the riches of His Kingdom.  May your spirit be restored to new life and your soul healed from the hurt you might experience.  May God cleanse our hearts, minds and bodies so that we will be spotless, blameless and pure – white as snow!  Have a Christ centered and spirit filled day and read Rev 14 v 14-20.


May we too eat from the book [scroll] (Rev 10 v 1 – 11) and when we do I pray that it doesn’t only taste as sweet as honey in our mouths, but when we digest the words that our soul is restored, our mind and spirit renewed and our bodies cleansed through it.

May we endure a little longer until the mystery of God is accomplished, whether some will still be in the flesh while others perhaps in the spirit, I don’t know…  what I am confident about is this;  if we stay faithful and not become deceived by the great falling away that is taking place as we speak, if we listen and obey God’s word every day and give Him everything we can offer as a living sacrifice – we will ultimately be saved out of this world.  

We cannot live from bread alone dear friends, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God.  Live each day while elevating the truth of God above all other things and the reward will be worth your while.  Thank you for your partnership in this fellowship.  May the Lord bless you and your loved ones with the riches of His blessings and keep you safe.  Yours in Christ


Matt 24 v 37 – 51 is a reminder that we need to be ready for the Lord’s sudden return – it will be unexpected for many, a time of judgement, weeping and gnashing of teeth – but not for us, should we remain faithful and sensible, abide in His word and listen to his Spirit.  I long to be that slave who is rewarded for looking after the Lord’s “household” and taking care of the needy.  A reward NO amount of money can buy, but instead the gift of life, everlasting life. 

Are you with me on this beloved friends and brothers in Christ?  Will we be part of the small remnant Christ comes for because few are chosen?  Not that they who are shut out eventually, due to rejecting Him did not have a choice and for that reason we should strive to run the race with all our heart and fill our lamps with oil, seeing that we don’t know the time nor the day.  Don’t be caught off guard when the trumpet blows.  Be alert and sober at all times.  Have a blessed day and grab every opportunity to witness to the world.  Yours in Christ


Just like David was victorius over Goliath (1 Sam 17 v 44 – 51) and overcame his Giant through trusting in God and standing on His word, we too can overcome our giants through Jesus who has had His victory over death and sin, which ultimately has become our victory if we stay faithful.  It might sound like I am “preaching” to the converted, but we all have things in our lives that challenge us, especially unrepented sin. 

If this is the case, my prayer today is that we will draw near to God and seek His forgiveness, knowing He will draw near to us.  What a wonderful assurance we have in the promise that should we overcome the things of this world (Rev 3 v 21) and endure to the end we will be saved (Matt 24 v 13).  A victory awaits us brothers, therefore stand firm in your faith knowing one day we will sit at the table with our Lord and Saviour.  Amen


My scripture for today is from 1 Samuel 17 v 37 – 43

David initially prepared for the physical battle by putting on an earthly armour given to him by an earthly King.  He then decided to put on his spiritual armour provided by the King of Kings and went to face his giant. He was mocked and threatened as is the case with many of us today. 

What are your giants you face on a daily basis when standing up for the truth in this spiritual war we are waging.  Are you mocked and threatened?  Have you experienced radical persecution because of your beliefs? I urge you, brothers, stand firm in your faith, knowing the battle is the Lord’s.  Have a blessed weekend


By faith Abra(ha)m – when called – obeyed the Lord and went to an unknown place.  He was willing to listen and obey.  Trusting fully that the Lord would provide.  Are we willing to give up our comfort to sleep in “tents”?  Allow God to be the architect and builder of your dreams and your calling.  Give over to Him completely. 

My prayer today is that the Holy Spirit will be your guide and the Word your Compass, directing your ways.  Have (enough) faith in our God that He will give you your heart’s desires, but continue to seek His will, believing that He knows best.


I would like to leave something in your midst…  what is (y)our calling?  Are you in the will of God and as a result where you should be?  Join me for the next 2 weeks on “calling” starting tomorrow (Saturday).  Let’s seek the Lord and discover what He has installed for each one of us as a member of a larger body.  Be prepared, be bold and willing to follow His will for your life. 

Remember that even Jesus asked if it was possible for the cup to pass but that the will of the Father be done and so should we pray that whatever we desire the will of God be done in our lives.  It’s a small sacrifice compared to the price He paid… 

looking forward to yet another expedition as we explore the wonderful Word of God.  Have a blessed Friday knowing that God loves you and wants you to call on Him in both good and difficult times.  Seek Him with your whole heart and trust in Him cause He knows what He’s doing.  We serve a competent God, who’s timing is perfect!  Amen


My Scripture for today is from 1 Sam 16 v 1 – 13

I believe many are called but few are chosen (Mat 22 v 14).  David attended to the sheep when he was called to start working for the Lord and was chosen, even though his brothers were also called. I believe we all have a calling in the Kingdom of God, which is not of this world.  I believe none of us are too weak and seemingly insignificant, that we cannot do God’s work.  I believe we are all where we should be if we are in the will of God. 

I believe He can use all of us to do His work right where we are, BUT rise up when God calls you and be prepared and willing to follow Him where the Spirit leads you.  May He choose you today for His kingdom’s sake.  I pray that He will open your spiritual ears and eyes. 

Listen to His still small voice among the hustle and bustle of this world while simply passing through.  Do not be intimidated by men if the Lord has put something on your heart and instructed you to do it.  May the Lord protect you and bless you today, tomorrow and everyday day to follow.  Amen


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