
Just like David was victorius over Goliath (1 Sam 17 v 44 – 51) and overcame his Giant through trusting in God and standing on His word, we too can overcome our giants through Jesus who has had His victory over death and sin, which ultimately has become our victory if we stay faithful.  It might sound like I am “preaching” to the converted, but we all have things in our lives that challenge us, especially unrepented sin. 

If this is the case, my prayer today is that we will draw near to God and seek His forgiveness, knowing He will draw near to us.  What a wonderful assurance we have in the promise that should we overcome the things of this world (Rev 3 v 21) and endure to the end we will be saved (Matt 24 v 13).  A victory awaits us brothers, therefore stand firm in your faith knowing one day we will sit at the table with our Lord and Saviour.  Amen

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