
Matt 24 v 37 – 51 is a reminder that we need to be ready for the Lord’s sudden return – it will be unexpected for many, a time of judgement, weeping and gnashing of teeth – but not for us, should we remain faithful and sensible, abide in His word and listen to his Spirit.  I long to be that slave who is rewarded for looking after the Lord’s “household” and taking care of the needy.  A reward NO amount of money can buy, but instead the gift of life, everlasting life. 

Are you with me on this beloved friends and brothers in Christ?  Will we be part of the small remnant Christ comes for because few are chosen?  Not that they who are shut out eventually, due to rejecting Him did not have a choice and for that reason we should strive to run the race with all our heart and fill our lamps with oil, seeing that we don’t know the time nor the day.  Don’t be caught off guard when the trumpet blows.  Be alert and sober at all times.  Have a blessed day and grab every opportunity to witness to the world.  Yours in Christ

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