
May we too eat from the book [scroll] (Rev 10 v 1 – 11) and when we do I pray that it doesn’t only taste as sweet as honey in our mouths, but when we digest the words that our soul is restored, our mind and spirit renewed and our bodies cleansed through it.

May we endure a little longer until the mystery of God is accomplished, whether some will still be in the flesh while others perhaps in the spirit, I don’t know…  what I am confident about is this;  if we stay faithful and not become deceived by the great falling away that is taking place as we speak, if we listen and obey God’s word every day and give Him everything we can offer as a living sacrifice – we will ultimately be saved out of this world.  

We cannot live from bread alone dear friends, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God.  Live each day while elevating the truth of God above all other things and the reward will be worth your while.  Thank you for your partnership in this fellowship.  May the Lord bless you and your loved ones with the riches of His blessings and keep you safe.  Yours in Christ

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