
This morning I would like to boast in the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour.  Do yourselves a favour and read 1 Cor 15 – the resurrection chapter and be reminded that our faith is based on the very fact that Jesus was raised from the dead for if this was not the case, our faith would be futile, of no value and of no gain and we wouldn’t have any hope of eternal life, after death,  with our Creator. 

Thank you Heavenly Father that you became flesh in the form of man, to reconcile us with you, by carrying the biggest burden one can imagine, but not quite fathom and die a gruesome death so that we may live.  The grave is empty brothers!  Praise be to God!


I am embarking on a journey through the book of Proverbs for personal edification brothers, if you would like to join me.  I would like to read a chapter every day for the next 31 days starting tomorrow.  Read and pray…  read and pray.  Read Prov 1 v 1 – 7 as an introduction and know that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge [and that]

fools despise wisdom and instruction” (v 7)

Have a wonderful week in the presence of our saviour, knowing He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Thank you Lord for your provision in abundance every day.


My scripture for today is from the well known Chapter on Faith, Hebrews 11.

How many times have you read this passage?  After reading it again today, after so many times, I have realized once again, with a renewed mind, that those mentioned acted in faith, although they did not receive the things promised (v 13).

One thing is certain, they were not of little faith.  They responded to God’s calls in so many ways that stretched their faith to the limits.  Compare that with many that had the privilege of walking with Jesus and witnessing His works and still didn’t believe.

Now, compare that with our generation…  is there even a comparison?  Will we stand firm in our faith during persecution?  How often do we fall because of the challenges this life brings.

My prayer is that we get our focus back and fix our eyes on Jesus, knowing that  He is the promised one whom has delivered us from sin and saved us from certain death.

Have a blessed Sunday

Brothers, I would like to start “a week on God’s provision” tomorrow for those who would like to join in, the first scripture is from Luke 2 v 1 – 21.  Like always I will share my thoughts and invite you to do the same.  God is good and always consistant, especially through trying times, when we completely trust in Him.  Looking forward to a week of trusting in God’s goodness and putting my hope in Him, while striving to make it a permanent lifestyle!



My scripture for today is from Hebrews 10

Thanks be to the living God for the free gift of salvation, though not unconditional.  I believe one cannot understand Grace if you do not understand the purpose of the Law.  God didn’t desire sacrifices and burnt offerings, but it was required according to the law (v 5 and 6), a law that was much needed to point to the ultimate sacrifice, our Messiah. 

Through His death, Christ’s law is written on our minds and our hearts (v 16), and although a higher spiritual law, blood is no longer needed as His body was sacrificed ONCE FOR ALL (v 10), should we accept this gift and turn away from sin.  Let us not insult the Spirit of Grace (v 29) but draw near to God with a sincere heart (v 22) having full assurance of our hope in the faithful one, who is Jesus. 

Although we might suffer in this life and experience persecution, continue to persevere, for the reward is eternal.  Nothing else compares!  Continue also to encourage one another and I challenge you today to put yourself out there (here) and request prayer for that one thing that is holding you back from living a Christ-centered life.  I know from experience that pride can so easily blind us and actually lead you away from God.  We have seen the power of prayer and know that we can overcome anything through God who gives us the strength.

At the same time, let’s pray for the body of Christ, who is experiencing persecution worldwide like never seen before.  Our God is being mocked and our faith trampled on by those who are from this world. In spite of this, let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds (v24). 

I Pray that God’s Spirit will be your teacher and guide you into all truth.



My scripture for today is from Heb 9:

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness (v22) and therefore it was necessary that Christ entered as mediator and died as a ransom to set us free (v15).  Jesus, as the High Priest didn’t have to offer a blood sacrifice, that wasn’t his own (v25) again and again, for what would be the purpose of that and how would it be different to the sacrifices offered before he came? 

He suffered at the fate of men and offered His own blood in order for us to receive eternal redemption.  Think about it…  we actually owe Him our lives, yet He died so we can live.  Let us live daily with the knowledge that ceremonial sacrifice couldn’t save us and that we could not even replace Him on the cross.  Therefore let us be thankful and live according to His law that He has written on our hearts.  Be willing to die to self and the greediness of the flesh to become a living sacrifice for our Saviour, Jesus.  Amen


My scripture for today is from Heb 3 v 12 – 19:

My thougths:

We are warned against having a “sinful, unbelieving heart”.  We need to encourage each other daily so that we may share this wonderful gift of salvation that we have in Christ.  Do not harden your hearts brothers.  Remain faithful and stay grounded in the Word.  Reach out if you need support and encouragement.  That is the purpose of this group.  Pray for one another and carry each other’s burdens. 

Thank you Lord for your gift of salvation and that we can share this gift and the truth of your Word.  Soften our hearts and align our thoughts through your Spirit so that we may be in right standing with you today.  Amen


My scripture for today

1 John 2 v 15 – 17

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the (boastful) pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

This material world has nothing good to offer us, besides serving and loving the Lord and each other. In fact, we become enemies of God should we love the things in the world.  Walk in the Spirit brothers and live holy lives before God.  Let us pray for each other, support one another, even if we can only listen to a fellow brother…  be strong and stand firm in your faith.


Brothers, may your week be filled with joy, laughther, love and the splendour of God’s grace.  Serve God in reverance and awe (Heb 12 v 28) with a lifestyle of worship that is acceptable to Him.  He is to be honoured and respected, loved and obeyed.  May you experience His comfort in times of need knowing He will never leave, nor forsake you (Heb 13 v 5).  Love Him whole heartedly, with a burning desire to know Him intimately.  Praise the Lord for he is good!  Yours in Christ


Almighty Heavenly Father, You know the beginning from the end and the possible outcome of this situation. If it is in your will that Lofo should continue to reside in France and further his tennis career, grant him this opportunity to obtain the required certification which the embassy requested.  You alone know his heart Lord and his willingness to submit.  Thank you that we can approach your throne with our petition.  We trust that you have his best interest at heart and know that regardless of the outcome, you will make everything work together for his good and your glory

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