
My scripture for today is from Heb 9:

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness (v22) and therefore it was necessary that Christ entered as mediator and died as a ransom to set us free (v15).  Jesus, as the High Priest didn’t have to offer a blood sacrifice, that wasn’t his own (v25) again and again, for what would be the purpose of that and how would it be different to the sacrifices offered before he came? 

He suffered at the fate of men and offered His own blood in order for us to receive eternal redemption.  Think about it…  we actually owe Him our lives, yet He died so we can live.  Let us live daily with the knowledge that ceremonial sacrifice couldn’t save us and that we could not even replace Him on the cross.  Therefore let us be thankful and live according to His law that He has written on our hearts.  Be willing to die to self and the greediness of the flesh to become a living sacrifice for our Saviour, Jesus.  Amen

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