
My scripture for today is from Hebrews 10

Thanks be to the living God for the free gift of salvation, though not unconditional.  I believe one cannot understand Grace if you do not understand the purpose of the Law.  God didn’t desire sacrifices and burnt offerings, but it was required according to the law (v 5 and 6), a law that was much needed to point to the ultimate sacrifice, our Messiah. 

Through His death, Christ’s law is written on our minds and our hearts (v 16), and although a higher spiritual law, blood is no longer needed as His body was sacrificed ONCE FOR ALL (v 10), should we accept this gift and turn away from sin.  Let us not insult the Spirit of Grace (v 29) but draw near to God with a sincere heart (v 22) having full assurance of our hope in the faithful one, who is Jesus. 

Although we might suffer in this life and experience persecution, continue to persevere, for the reward is eternal.  Nothing else compares!  Continue also to encourage one another and I challenge you today to put yourself out there (here) and request prayer for that one thing that is holding you back from living a Christ-centered life.  I know from experience that pride can so easily blind us and actually lead you away from God.  We have seen the power of prayer and know that we can overcome anything through God who gives us the strength.

At the same time, let’s pray for the body of Christ, who is experiencing persecution worldwide like never seen before.  Our God is being mocked and our faith trampled on by those who are from this world. In spite of this, let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds (v24). 

I Pray that God’s Spirit will be your teacher and guide you into all truth.


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