My scripture for today is from the well known Chapter on Faith, Hebrews 11.

How many times have you read this passage?  After reading it again today, after so many times, I have realized once again, with a renewed mind, that those mentioned acted in faith, although they did not receive the things promised (v 13).

One thing is certain, they were not of little faith.  They responded to God’s calls in so many ways that stretched their faith to the limits.  Compare that with many that had the privilege of walking with Jesus and witnessing His works and still didn’t believe.

Now, compare that with our generation…  is there even a comparison?  Will we stand firm in our faith during persecution?  How often do we fall because of the challenges this life brings.

My prayer is that we get our focus back and fix our eyes on Jesus, knowing that  He is the promised one whom has delivered us from sin and saved us from certain death.

Have a blessed Sunday

Brothers, I would like to start “a week on God’s provision” tomorrow for those who would like to join in, the first scripture is from Luke 2 v 1 – 21.  Like always I will share my thoughts and invite you to do the same.  God is good and always consistant, especially through trying times, when we completely trust in Him.  Looking forward to a week of trusting in God’s goodness and putting my hope in Him, while striving to make it a permanent lifestyle!

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