
Deuteronomy 11 v 1, 9, 11 - 16
Love the Lord your God

We recently stumbled upon a quote saying “The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.” This is evident simply in the passages from the last two weeks or so.

The first commandment God wrote on the tablets of stone stated we should love the Lord our God, while the law of Christ will be written on the hearts of those who choose to accept His grace and follow Him.

We are commanded to; 1) Keep His charge – *Literally, keep his keeping, i.e., all that is to be kept in obedience to Him 2) His statutes 3) His ordinances 4) His commandments
* https://biblehub.com/commentaries/deuteronomy/11-1.htm

God made a promise to His people that should they obey Him, they would enter the promised land, “a land flowing with milk and honey” if they obey His commandments. Just as those who obeyed, entered the promised land, we too, will enter God’s heavenly kingdom, which is not of this world, should we remain faithful and continue to love Him above all things.

There is a warning. Do not let your hearts be deceived so that you turn to other gods. Just look at the state of the world around us today. This reminds me of 2 Tim 3 v 2 “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy…” [KJV]

People have turned away from God and His ordinances, for the sake of keeping with the times, because science has apparently enlightened the world and (finally) proved there is no God, or so they think, perhaps even choosing to believe this!

Blessed are those who believe and keep the statutes of the God of the Bible, For He is a living God and the proof for His existence is overwhelming should anyone decide to do some research… My prayer for you is that your love for the Lord will abound every day. Fix your eyes on the heavens, for God is who He says He is. Amen

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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