
Ecclesiastes 3 v 1 - 9
"An appointed time for everything"

One thing we can be sure of is this: Although the bible does not give detail about everything under the sun, it covers everything we need to know about our futile life during our relatively short stay here on earth.

In this passage we see that God has appointed a season… a period… a cycle… for everything we may encounter in this life. While reading these verses, think about where you find yourself today? Are you tearing down or building up, whatever it may be?

Are you weeping or laughing, mourning or dancing? Are you embracing or pushing away? Are you searching or have you given up hope? Are you silent when you should be speaking? Do you love or is their hate and unforgiveness? Are you at war with others and God and seeking peace?

Wherever you might find yourself, either literally or spiritually, know this; God’s timing is perfect and His seasons are for our spiritual growth, even though the body might suffer. Wait on God and His appointed time for decisions you need to make, while you do what your hand finds to do.

Acknowledge Him and be content with the outcome, regardless of how long it takes. He knows best because He created you, and formed you in your mother’s womb as a unique being with individual characteristics. “This life is a school and the workplace our classroom.” (A.S.) Just when you thought you were done with school…

We will learn the lessons until we graduate so that we continue to be formed and eventually transformed into the being God intended for us to become. A person with dignity, someone who loves Him and is loved by Him, a person that is whole and fulfilled in their walk with the Lord.

May your season be filled with joy, love, laughter and peace, regardless of your circumstances. Embrace each day, love which is good and hate that which is evil. Plant a seed of hope and you will reap the fruits. Be quiet and listen, but give an answer when required. Continue to search for truth and do not conform to this world, for there are no answers in the temporary. Tear down the walls of unforgiveness and ask God to build up His “temple”.

Die to self, the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the boastful pride of life and ask God to heal your soul.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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