
Psalm 6 v 1, 7 - 9
Take refuge in the Lord

Who do you seek guidance and counselling from when you require advice? do you visit a friend, family member or your pastor? Not that these individuals are not capable of giving you some sort of direction, but when last did you consult the Lord?

We often make the mistake of approaching the Lord (only) when in distress, or in the midst of a raging (spiritual) storm, but neglect to consult Him for the choices we are faced with every day. You might ask, “how do I know He will answer me?“.

Scripture says, if you take refuge in Him, put your hope and trust in Him, and allow Him to instruct you, He will guide you into making the right choices. You might ask, “how is this possible?“.

Have you ever heard that still, small voice? That whisper among the stormy winds? Some call it your “gut feel”. The Lord gave us a special gift when He ascended to the Father. The person of the Holy Spirit, our Counselor.

We should pay attention when asking the Lord for guidance, He will give you everything you ask for in His Name (as long as it is according to the Scriptures, off course). Just look at all the individuals in the Bible who have counted on God for their deliverance and guidance when required, although it didn’t stop there. They relied on Holy Spirit to lead their every step, while the Lord even appeared to some of them, in whichever form He saw fitting.

Are you struggling to approach the Lord and then simply go ahead and make your own choices? He is faithful, and will grant you the wisdom you seek. talk to Him, like you would talk to a loving, kind and caring father. Consult Him and allow Him to counsel you. You will be pleasantly surprised.

My prayer today is that the Lord will instruct you day and night. Allow the Lord to lead the way and light your path. Follow Him, He is our Shepard. Bless Him and be glad. Rejoice in His Glory and Majesty. Amen

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