
Luke 12 v 22 - 34
Ye of little faith

Jesus taught not to worry about our lives and what we would eat and wear. Is this still relevant, especially during these uncertain times? After all it is normal to be concerned with this economic crisis looming, is it not?

If we consider the birds, the grass and the flowers that Jesus refers to, surely they (the birds) and the rest of His creation do not have the worries we do, so how can He compare us to these? I think the point He is trying to make is that the birds, for example, do not produce, neither do they store food and yet He provides.

The same applies to the grass and the flowers who do not make clothes and yet they have their own covering, while they wither and die anyway. If we are worth much more than the rest of His creation because we have been made in His image, why then do we worry about the very things He knows we need to survive?

Could it be that we rely on our strength and intellect too much? Do we try and make plans, knowing that most things that happen in this life, are out of our control, anyway? So if we cannot extend our lives through worrying and most things are out of our control, why do we focus so much on making our own plans, instead of relying on God to provide??

It is written “we cannot live from bread alone” and Jesus is very clear that we should “seek first the kingdom” (Matt 6 v 33) [ESV], and the rest will be added. I know that we often worry about how we will make ends meet and the times we live in do not make it any easier. Remember this. God knows your circumstances and will provide in your needs.

Consult Him rather than trying to make your own plans. Bring your case before him. Plead with Him and place your trust and hope in Him. Everything is this life that we have toiled so hard for will pass, but the greatest treasure, His gift of eternal life, will last forever, even long after your time here on earth has come to an end. Something we cannot comprehend, as we only see in part.

May the Lord grant you the grace to work through your challenges, for they are unlikely to go away. Allow Him to direct your path. Do what your hand finds to do, while relying on Him for the rest and above all seek His perfect will for your life. Even though things might not turn out the way you expected. You will not be disappointed!

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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