
Beloved, after the last couple of weeks, it is evident that the devotionals have pointed to obedience in one way or another. Actually, the thread throughout the entire bible points to the initial disobedience of mankind, causing us to fall away from God’s purpose for us, the solution to salvage us from certain death and reconcile ourselves with Him, and the obedience expected from His children.

Please join me for “10 Days on obedience” starting tomorrow. Let us read together as a body and come to the knowledge of how the Lord defines obedience. My prayer is that the Lord will grant us the strength to walk in obedience, knowing that this is the only way we can know God’s purpose for our lives.

Start reading “10 days on obedience” or browse our devotionals by topic


Romans 8 v 1 - 14
The law of the Spirit of life

On the back of our reading plan about obedience, I would like to reiterate a few things.

  1. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. This simply means that God has set us free from the bondage of sin and we can now choose not to sin, for before our minds were set on the flesh, hostile towards God and not even able to subject itself to the law of God.
  2. All who are led by the Spirit are sons of God.
    If your mind has been been renewed and therefore set on Christ, the same power that rose Jesus from the dead, will give life to your spirit as you die to the lusts of the flesh daily and start walking according to the Spirit.
  3. The law of sin and of death cannot save us
    The law and animal sacrifices could not atone for sins once and for all, and although blood had to be shed every time in order for sins to be forgiven, it pointed to the sacrifice Jesus would become, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, once for all, so that we may stand blameless before God.

May the Spirit of God lead you into ALL truth, so that the veil may be removed and you can see Jesus for who He really is. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will intercede for you, if you are not able to. Allow the Spirit to plead your case before God. He knows your heart and the intentions thereof.

Blessings in Jesus

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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