
2 Chronicles 1 v 7 - 12
Wisdom and knowledge

Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people…

God granted Solomon a request and he responded by asking for wisdom and knowledge and the rest is history, as we know it. God saw the intentions of his heart and saw it fit to also bless him with riches, wealth and honour.

Is this a recipe for success and fame? By no means. No where does the Lord promise if we follow Solomon’s example would we be flooded with wealth. If this was the case, everyone would ask for wisdom and knowledge. It is for God to decide should it be beneficial for you or not and in any case, if this is simply a means to an end, God will not allow it.

He asked for wisdom and knowledge and as a result came to an understanding of the Lord and his (Solomon’s) purpose. It is written that “the natural man does not understand the things of God for they are spiritually discerned” [paraphrase]. We too, should seek wisdom and knowledge and as we read yesterday, that is to find the Lord. Not just meeting Him, but knowing Him intimately.

Understanding our purpose, besides that we were made to know Him, make Him known and enjoy His presence in our lives. Living a life dedicated to the One who made you and saved you, should be our ultimate goal. Ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge today so that you may discern what is right in His sight.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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