
The book of Haggai, chapters 1 & 2.

Verse 9 of chapter 1

“You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little.  What you brought home I blew away.  Why?  Declares the Lord, Almighty.  Because of my [spiritual] house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house.”

Beloved friends and brothers in Christ.  Is this a time for us to be living in our paneled houses, while the Lord’s house remains in ruins? (V 4)

As a body of believers, each with a gift, a task, we ought to be working on the Lord’s house instead of trying to panel together our own little palace with wordly material, i.e.  fruits of our labour enabling us to settle down here and now and become comfortable with our temporary life on earth. 

How do we build this spiritual house?  First and foremost the foundation should be our faith (hope and trust) in the Lord Jesus, off course.  Once we have eatablished the foundation as I believe we have already done, the building material (bricks and mortar) consist of a mixture of daily prayer, studying the word and walking in the spirit. 

The building process consists of applying the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, forebearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control), every day while putting on the full armour of God (Eph 6 v 14 – 18) to cover the house like a roof because our struggle is against the powers of this dark world and its spiritual forces.

Help me brothers to build this house of the Lord as I believe He has instructed me to do while preaching His word in season and warning those lost souls of what is to come and the eminent, pending judgement awaiting this world.

Wishing you a blessed weekend and look forward to starting a week on grace tomorrow.  Yours in Christ. 🙏


Ezekiel 3 v 16 – 27

What a task that was laid on Ezekiel’s shoulders… called by the Lord to warn the rebellious and the righteous who has gone astray.  This is a warning for us to continue in His word, led by the spirit and a call to stay on the narrow path.  Stay on your knees brothers and pray for guidance in your walk with Christ.  Do not be tempted by the lusts of the flesh and the eyes, but rather be content with your life in Christ.  Have a peaceful and blessed Friday.

Brothers.  Please join me on Sunday, when I start with “a Week on Grace”.  I will provide the scriptures as usual.  Pray with me in the meantime in preparation and ask the Lord to soften and open our hearts and minds to the understanding of His word.  May the Spirit reveal the many treasures hidden in the scriptures.  Blessings to you all in the Name of our Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua).  What a wonderful gift of grace have we not received through His death and resurrection.


After reading Isaiah 53 again this morning I realise we should all fall with our faces to the ground and consider the price our Lord has paid.  He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities (v 5) for we have all gone astray and followed our own way (v 6).  He never complained or begged for mercy, while he was mocked and beaten.  Thank you Lord for offering up your life so that we may live.  You had no sin and yet had to die a grusome death, judged by a man and left to be condemned by men.  How wonderful is your name oh Lord.  Amen


Gen 28 v 10 – 22

May we, like Jacob, also experience the Lord’s presence, for wherever He is, there is the house of God.  Is your home a house of God?  May the Lord be with us and watch over us, wherever we go. Therefore, be watchful brothers, sober and alert and serve the Lord, (y)our God wholeheartedly, for He has already blessed us with the gift of salvation and eternal life.  Do not let go of this gift, freely received.  Wishing you a blessed day, knowing we serve an awsome God.


Amos 2 v 6 – 16

What a terrible day awaits us if we were to be judged like Israel…  and judgement will come as the Lord will not give in.  Just as He brought them out of Egypt, which is a type of this world (or vice versa), He paid – with His life – to free us from this world and all it’s profanity, desires, filth and temptations.  Let us overcome, stay faithful to our Savior and do not go back to “Egypt” as (self) distruction is the only thing awaiting us there.  Walk with the Lord in righteousness and let His Spirit lead you in all truth so that we can be in right standing with Him, blameless with garments washed white as snow.  Blessings in Jesus.


Ecclesiastes 3 v 1 – 13

A time and a season for everything…  is this perhaps (y)our time and season to plant and uproot?  Is it perhaps your time to tear down and rebuild?  Maybe there is a time coming to weep followed by a time of laughter…  perhaps a time to be silent and then a time to speak.  A time for love and peace as it should be for the children of God amidst the hatred and war as is the current state of the world.  Whatever your time and season, know that even when our toil feels like a burden and seems to be all in vain, long for an eternity with Him that He has set in your heart.  Have a blessed day


Dear beloved friends and brothers in Christ. If you are in distress today, about certain challenges in your life and the outcome seems dim, please read Jonah’s prayer in chapter 2 knowing that salvation and deliverance comes from the Lord 🙏 I had a struggle last night and believe it was a spiritual attack after sharing the gospel to a hard core non-believer yesterday and realize the battle is not against flesh and blood but the dark forces of this age.  Please pray for this young man’s salvation and that the Spirit will water the seed I planted.  Have a blessed day and continue to walk in the Spirit.


My prayer for you today is from Phil 2 v 1 – 5 and v 12 – 18

May the Lord’s perfect will be established in our lives.  May His compassion, tenderness, joy and love transpire through our behaviour and interaction not only with one another but everyone we come in contact with, while putting the needs of others above ours. May we serve God and others in humility not for personal gain but for edification of His name.  Let us continue to work OUT our salvation in reverence for He is our rock and safe haven.  May we live a Spirit filled life according to His ways and His commands so that we can literally shine His light in this corrupt and filthy world.  None of this will be in vain if we hold firm to the Word of life.  Let us rejoice dear brothers and be glad that we can be a living sacrifice for our Creator who gave up His life so that we may live.  Glory to God in the highest.  Amen


I thought it would be appropriate to continue and also read the book of Jude and I must say I cannot remember when last I read it – what a wake-up call brothers! Refrain from those who pervert the Gospel and deny the deity of Christ. Let’s continue to build ourselves up in the faith, praying in the spirit while remaining in God’s love until such time that He will free us from this world and give us eternal life (v 20-21).  Have a blessed Friday


In Third John we are once again reminded to 1) continue walking in the truth 2) work together for the truth, while 3) loving one another in the truth and 4) to do what is good.  I pray that you and I will remain faithfull to the Lord and His word through his spirit who intercedes for us.  May our lives reflect the love of God, which is perfect in every way.  With love from your brother in Christ.


In Second John, he writes to an elect people perhaps, affirming once again that 1) we should walk in the truth, 2) love one another,  3) obey the commands of Christ, 

4) continue in His teachings and that, 5) we should not share in false teachings that do not acknowledge Jesus as coming in the flesh (v7). 

Dear friends and beloved brothers in Christ, thank you for your part in this fellowship and the role that each of you play in your household, among your family, in the workplace and your circle of friends.  Your influence touches and changes lives without us even realizing it.  Continue to walk in the truth, love one another, like Jesus loved us, keep His word close to your heart and apply His teachings everyday.  Have a Christ filled day


First John’s concluding affirmations (1 John 5 v 13 – 21)… everyone in this fellowship believes in the name of our Messiah as the Son of God and through believing we know that we have eternal life which should give us the confidence to approach God in prayer.  Yes we have to remain faithful and finish the race by overcoming, but it begins with believing in your heart.  Because we are children of God and have received understanding and discernment we know the only truth is in God and through living a Christ centered life.  My prayer this morning is that if there is unrepented sin and idols in our lives, we would approach the throne of Grace and ask for forgiveness.  There is a promise in vers 18.  The One who was born of God keeps us safe from the evil one, if we do not continue to sin.  Blessings in Jesus


Today’s scripture is from 1 John 5 v 1 – 12

How is it that if we are born of God (second birth) and therefore believe Jesus is the Son of God, we continue to give into the temptations of this world, instead of overcoming it?!  Could it perhaps be that even though we accept God’s testimony about His Son, and as a result believe in Him unto eternal life, we do not have the confidence to aproach His throne of Grace when we have sinned? 

Today, when you hear His voice, when you hear the Spirit testifying, do not harden your hearts brothers.  Instead, accept the testimony of God and be renewed in your faith.

I pray that God will be your rock and your (continued) salvation.  Amen


1 John 4 v 7 – 21

God did not ask us if we needed love or if we needed a saviour…  He loved us first and poured out His love for us by walking among us in the form of His Son, our Messiah and offered Himself so that we may live and now His love is made perfect in us when we love one another like He loved us.    Let us love one another with this perfect love Jesus had.  Not asking if anyone needs love, but knowing that everyone requires (and seeks) to be loved.  If we love one another God is in us and we in Him.  Thank you Lord that we can have the assurance that though we have not seen you, if we love each other, our love for you is made known.  Amen


This is building up to the pinnacle and 1 John 4 v 1 – 6 gives us a very good indication of where we are in the last days as the end times draw near…  My dear friends and beloved brothers in Christ.  Test each and every spirit to see whether they are from God and as a result, allign with His word.  There is so much deception out there and we need to remain watchful.  My prayer today is that the Spirit of truth will  guide you in your walk with the Lord.  Be alert, stay sober for the battle is in the spirit.  Yours in Christ.


We live in exciting,  yet troubling times due to the degrading of mankind, worrying times due to the failing economy world wide and also disconcerting times, knowing many people are not in rightstanding with their Creator.  In 1 John 3 v 11 – 24 we are reminded of 1) what love [really] is and that is to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters 2) knowing we are in the truth when our hearts do not condemn us in His presence and 3) how we know He lives in us…  this we know through His spirit given to us.  God commands us to believe, yet we have a free will.  God commands us to love one another, yet love for self and self gratification is our hurdle to overcome.  Let our love, for God and one another, reflect in our actions and through that keep God’s commandments.  Have wonderfully blessed Friday



1 John 3 v 1 – 10 gives us the assurance that we are children of God when we do what is right in God’s sight, while loving each other, which is what Jesus commands us to do.  We should not use the excuse that He was without sin, even though, in the flesh, and that is why He was able to overcome…  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors…  Rom 8 v 37 and able to overcome the flesh and its desires.  For this reason, Christ died so we could live.  Stand firm brothers for to know Him is to love Him and to love Him is to obey His commandments.  May God’s grace be sufficient for you today when you face the many challenges this life has to offer.  Blessings in Jesus


I stumbled upon this quote yesterday. 

“The greatest [man] that ever lived.  He had no servants, yet they called him Master.  He had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.  He had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.  He had no army, yet kings feared Him.  He had no military battles, yet He conquered the world.  He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.  He had no need, yet He forgave them as they mocked Him.  He was buried in a tomb, yet He [rose and] lives today.  His name is Jesus (Yeshua), the Saviour of the world.”

My scripture for today is from 1 John 2 v 18 – 29 and what struck me was that even if we know the truth,  do we actually live according to that truth, or do we also deny the Father and the Son simply through our actions…?  My prayer for you today is that “we will continue in him, [His truth]so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.” (Vers 28)


Today’s passage is from 1 John 2 v 12 – 17.  I pray that we will be those young men who are strong (spiritually) and God’s word lives in us because we have overcome the evil one.  Do not be tempted to love the world or anything in it brothers. I know the lust of the flesh and the eyes and the (boastful) pride of life awaits us around every corner, but I urge you to continue on this narrow path, do the will of our Father in Heaven and you will live forever.  Blessings in abundance is my wish for you.


I am drawn to continue with First John and this morning’s passage is from 1 John 2 v 1 – 11.  There is a wonderful assurance that if we have sinned, Jesus, our advocate intercedes for us with the Father. For this reason we can come to Him with remourse in repentence, knowing he will not reject us.  Let’s not be caught out as liars, when we proclaim to know and love Him, obey His word and live in His will, yet we do not follow His commands.  Let’s walk and live in the light, by loving one another just like Christ loved us.  May His love abound in us more and more each day as we spend time with Him in an intimate and fulfilling relationship.  Blessings in Jesus


1 John 1 v 5 – 10

The contrast between light (truth) and darkness (lies).  The acknowledgement of sin brings forgiveness and sets us free from its bondage.  No matter the transgression, God is faithful, just and righteous and will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (v 9).  Today, when we hear his voice do not harden your hearts brothers.  Let’s walk in the light, knowing that His blood cleanses us from ALL sin.  Amen

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