
Ezekiel 3 v 16 – 27

What a task that was laid on Ezekiel’s shoulders… called by the Lord to warn the rebellious and the righteous who has gone astray.  This is a warning for us to continue in His word, led by the spirit and a call to stay on the narrow path.  Stay on your knees brothers and pray for guidance in your walk with Christ.  Do not be tempted by the lusts of the flesh and the eyes, but rather be content with your life in Christ.  Have a peaceful and blessed Friday.

Brothers.  Please join me on Sunday, when I start with “a Week on Grace”.  I will provide the scriptures as usual.  Pray with me in the meantime in preparation and ask the Lord to soften and open our hearts and minds to the understanding of His word.  May the Spirit reveal the many treasures hidden in the scriptures.  Blessings to you all in the Name of our Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua).  What a wonderful gift of grace have we not received through His death and resurrection.

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