
Mat 15 v 1-20; Acts 21 v 1-26; Ps 35 v 1-28; Ex 32 v 1-33 v 23
Bound for the sake of the gospel

For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” (Acts 21 v 13)

Paul, a man who relentlessly persecuted the church because of the gospel, was now willing to be bound for the sake of the gospel. What could bring about such a sudden change to a man that practiced the law to the letter?

This is the power of the blood that was shed by our Lord and Saviour on the cross and just as Moses interceded for the people, pleading with God, not to pour out His wrath on them, Jesus too, interceded for us, by offering His life as atonement for all the things that defile us, according to Matthew 15 v 19.

Are you willing to suffer for the sake of the truth? Which truth, you may ask…

The truth of what Jesus has done and the good news of salvation through His saving grace. Countless people have tried to discredit the bible and deny the existence of our Messiah and have failed.

For the harder they try to deny this truth, the more people come to the knowledge of the truth, because of the overwhelming evidence presented, not only in the Scriptures, but also in a multitude of secular writings. Not even to mention the work of the Holy Spirit in places where owning a bible is prohibited.

Jesus said that should we choose to follow Him, we will also be persecuted and mocked, for if they persecuted Him, we will not escape the wrath of the world. Have you made a choice for Christ, knowing that He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father, accept through Him? (John 14 v 6).

Do not procrastinate. Take up your cross and follow Christ. He is who He says He is. Just ask those who have been saved out of religions where they are either persecuted or even killed for their faith in Jesus.

A famine is coming and it seems much sooner than you might think. A time when we will seek God and long for His truth and it will not be heard. Seek the Lord while He can still be found.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 15 v 21-39; Acts 21 v 27-40; Ps 36 v 1-12; Ex 34 v 1-35
Finding favour in God's sight

If now I have found favour in your sight, O Lord, I pray, let the Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your own possession.” (Ex 34 v 9)

Have you found favour in the Lord’s sight like Moses did or are you like the people – obstinate (stubborn), full of iniquity (immoral behaviour) and unrepentant sin?

If this is the case, join me today and let us approach the Lord in humility, even though we are “not worthy to untie the straps of His sandals.” (Luke 3 v 16), and allow Him to write His law on our hearts of stone.

David writes about the wickedness of man in contrast to the lovingkindness and righteousness of God. He says that “there is no fear of God before his [the wicked’s] eyes” (Ps 36 v 1) and that “he plans wickedness upon his bed, sets himself on a path that is not good and does NOT despise evil” (vers 4) [paraphrase].

On the contrary, God’s lovingkindness, righteousness and faithfulness is abundant for those who know Him and are upright in heart (vers 10). Let us kneel before the throne of grace today, repent of our wrongdoing and take refuge in the Lord. Let us drink of the living waters from His fountain of life that will never run dry.

I am willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of finding God’s favour and being in right standing with the Lord, are you?

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 16 v 1-12; Acts 22 v 1-30; Ps 37 v 1-22; Ex 35 v 1-37 v 29
Beware the leaven

“…Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?” (Mat 14 v 3)

Throughout the New Testament we are warned of false teachings by those who want to lead the children of God astray and these teachings, especially those of the Pharisees and Sadducees, are compared to leaven.

Leaven, if left unchecked, will rise like yeast and and fill the whole bowl. In the same fashion, false teachings and hypocrisy will take over a fellowship or congregation if not dealt with correctly.

You don’t need to look very far to see just how fallen the world and its people are. This was no different in the time of Jesus and Paul, but it has certainly escalated to a point where truth has become relative and you can make up your own religion that will suit your needs. Apparently “anything goes” these days…

The Pharisees and Sadducees were accused by Jesus of being hypocrites. They would teach one thing and expect the people to abide by their teachings and yet they would live according to another standard. This also goes for the false teachers we see today who set forth two sets of rules. One for themselves and one for their followers.

Absolute truth is absolutely true. You cannot change the truth as and when you like and then expect others to adhere to your version of the truth. This was the case with those in the time of Jesus and Paul. They would set a religious standard for the majority to meet, but they would live as if there was no one they needed to give account to.

Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside may become clean as well. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of impurity. In the same way, on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness” (Mat 23 v 26 – 28) [Berean Study Bible]

The only way we can truly live a righteous life is to commit ourselves to the Lord and His word, and obey His law that He has written on our hearts. There is a promise regarding this. Adhere to God’s truth and you will inherit His kingdom, which is not of this world.

An everlasting life awaits those who are faithful to the Lord Jesus, for He is the way, the truth and the life.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 16 v 13-28; Acts 23 v 1-11; Ps 37 v 23-40; Ex 38 v 1 - 40 v 38
The cost of discipleship

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Mat 16 v 25)

What makes us think that this life is all that matters, for when we die everything just comes to an end, or that we are once saved, always saved when we come to faith in Christ and therefore we will reach our destination, regardless of how we live our lives here on earth.

There is no simple answer to this dilemma, seeing that there are so many diverse views on what the above verse means and what discipleship really entails.

Peter, on the one hand acknowledged Jesus as the Christ, while at the same time refused to believe that He would suffer and die. Is this because Peter, himself, didn’t look forward to giving up His life? Could this be the reason he denied Jesus three times?

We are no different and can certainly learn from Paul, who simply ignored his brethren when they tried to prevent him from going to Jerusalem. He was willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of the gospel and “solemnly witnessed to His (Jesus’) cause.” Acts 23 v 11) [paraphrase].

Where do you stand on your view of discipleship? Is your faith merely a religious pass time, for we have to believe in something, right? Or is your faith in the Lord Jesus, founded on the word and grounded in His truths?

Let’s make an effort to examine ourselves today. Are you willing to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him, wherever it may lead you? Can you place your trust and your hope in Him, without looking out for your own interest, but purely His will?

May the Lord speak to you like He did with Paul and reveal the treasures of His word to you. May He anoint you with a special task for the sake of His kingdom. Be prepared to give up everything that is from this world to serve God to the fullest.

Wait for the Lord and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land…” (Ps 37 v 34). Take refuge in Him, for He is your strength in times of trouble.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 17 v 1-13; Acts 23 v 12-35; Ps 38 v 1-22; Lev 1 v 1-4 v 35
Seeking penance

Penance: an act of self-abasement, mortification (see MORTIFICATION sense 3), or devotion performed to show sorrow or repentance for sin [Merriam-Webster]

For I confess my iniquity; I am full of anxiety because of my sin.” (Ps 38 v 28)

In reading David’s confession through his prayer as well as the burnt, grain, peace and sin offerings, I realize just how sinful we really are, without actually paying attention to the “devil in the detail”.

How do you define sin? Is it only acknowledged as sin if (or when) you are caught and found guilty, or do you act upon the conviction and seek forgiveness, after having committed a sinful act? We are called to live holy lives, for Christ is holy and we cannot have the mind of Christ if we continue to live in sin.

God is very clear about those who will not inherit the kingdom and the way I see it, none of us will make it to heaven, accept through His grace, for we have all sinned and fall short of His glory.

There are many ways to confess your sins, through practicing certain rituals, as is the case with most religions, but only one way to repent and be forgiven and that is to bring your burdens, sorrows and iniquities before the cross.

Regardless of the magnitude of your sinful nature, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven, if we truly repent and turn away from that which is stealing our peace. Let today be a day of mourning if you have unrepented sin, in order to rejoice tomorrow, knowing that the Lord has set you free from the bondage of sin!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Prayer for today
Signs of the times

Dear beloved,
My prayer for today is this…

Heavenly Father
As we see the end times draw near, ever so quickly, and the return of our Messiah becoming more of a reality by the day, I ask that you grant us the grace to continue in this race.

The signs of the times are evident and the very things of which you have spoken are taking place today, yet you warned us not to be deceived. Without the guidance of Your Spirit we are at the mercy of the world and therefore I pray that you minister to us through Your Spirit.

Teach us how to serve you faithfully. Show us the way in which we should go so that we walk in faith, following after you. Let Your Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path that we may not wander off in the darkness, but walk in the light, for that is where truth and righteousness abide.

Give us understanding and the required discernment to judge righteously and to test every spirit to see if it is from You. Let us remain sober in spirit through studying Your Word. Holy Spirit, intercede for us, for we do not always no how to pray.

Guide us into all truth according to Your perfect and timeless Word. Give us hope and let us not be ashamed for the gospel, leading to salvation. Even though a time may come that we will suffer for our belief in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we can be sure of our inheritance, should we finish this race.

We declare Your majesty and Your sovereignty. King of kings and Lord of lords. Holy, perfect and just are you, O Lord. You deserve all the power, honour and glory, forever and ever. AMEN


Mat17 v 14-27; Acts 24 v 1-27; Ps 39 v 1-13; Lev 5 v 1-7 v 38
Faith of a mustard seed

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed….” (Mat 17 v 20)

What is the measure of your faith, when compared to the above and do you wish to heal people or drive out demons like Jesus and the disciples did?

If only we had the measure of faith that Paul displayed while being persecuted and imprisoned. He appeared before the rulers of those days and were questioned by them, after he was handed over by the Pharisees.

He was shouted at by the people who wanted him, either thrown in prison or even killed, when they voiced their opinion. Sounds to me like Paul experienced the same kind of persecution Jesus did and yet, through it all, remained faithful to God.

He presented a defense for his belief in the death and resurrection of Christ with so much conviction. Something that is often seen as a myth, especially in this secular driven, “post-modern” era where “seeing is believing” and having faith in something (or someone) who cannot be seen seems ludicrous.

If only we had faith, the size of a mustard seed, we would believe and trust in God, without any doubt, knowing that our faith can “move mountains” for “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11 v 1) [ESV]

How would you rate yourself? Do you consider yourself to be a doubting Thomas or a confident Paul? If you sometimes have second thoughts about your belief in Christ, His death and resurrection and God’s plan for you, believe in Jesus’ words and “nothing will be impossible to you.”

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 18 v 1-14; Acts 25 v 1-12; Ps 40 v 1-17; Lev 8 v 1-10 v 20
Childlike faith versus religious practice

“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mat 18 v 3)

Do you practice your faith like a child, simply trusting in their parents to provide in their needs and sustain them or is your faith based around religious practice and head knowledge about God and His word, while you focus on working hard to provide in your own needs?

I do not expect you to simply answer yes or no, but take the time to think about your relationship with the living God.  Are you a stumbling block or a blessing to others?  Do you usually have all the answers, yet live a life of doubt, believing in a form of godliness, having read all the books you possibly can about the bible and still haven’t come to the knowledge of the truth?

Just look at Paul who studied the law and lived according to it and even supported the persecution of those who believed in Jesus.  When he converted and became a follower of Jesus, he simply believed that God would teach him, while providing in his needs and sustaining him throughout his journeys. 

This God did, while also protecting him, more than once, against those who plotted to kill him.  Even though he seemed alone when on trial, having to defend himself, the Spirit guided him in every situation and he was able to speak with confidence.

David says that a man is blessed who has made the Lord His trust and has not turned to the proud (Ps 40 v 4).  If you feel like a lost sheep, perhaps you should consider turning to the God of the bible with a childlike faith.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Humbly seek His face in the scriptures and He will reveal Himself to you. 

He no longer requires sacrifice and meal offerings and does not desire burnt offering and sin offerings like he did in the time of Moses and Aaron, when they were given a specific manner in which they had to worship and present themselves before the Almighty God.

Today we can live a life, dedicated to the Lord, while worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth, wherever we are.  Trust in the Lord for your salvation.  Believe in his saving grace and allow Him to teach you all things regarding His kingdom.  Cut those things from your life that is causing you to stumble and ask the Lord to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 

Let us sing songs of praise for God has put a new song in our mouth and has written His law on our hearts.  Therefore, believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus has risen from the dead and you will be saved.  Amen

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 18 v 15-35; Acts 25 v 13-27; Ps 41 v 1-13; Lev 11 v 1-13 v 59
As it is in Heaven

Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by my Father who is in Heaven.” (Mat 18 v 19)

At first glance this scripture might seem confusing and even contradictory when you read other passages regarding prayer requests.

It makes me think about the passage where the Lord Jesus says, “you do not receive, because you do not ask...” [paraphrase]. Are we then able to ask for anything we desire? We are also taught in the Lord’s prayer that we should request for His will to be done…

Let’s look at David’s declaration as an example. He declares that the Lord will deliver those who consider the helpless in their day of trouble and will not hand them over to the desires of their enemies (Ps 41 v 1-3). He goes further to say that the Lord will sustain such man during illness and restore his health.

As for himself, David pleads for God’s grace and that He will raise him up that he may triumph over his enemies. This goes to show that we may ask the Lord anything in His Name as long as it correlates with Scripture.

My prayer is that you will ask for wisdom, understanding and knowledge about the treasures of God’s word. Request this from the Lord. Plead with Him for His grace. Cry out to the Lord for His forgiveness. Consider those in need of help and above all bless the Lord your God for He is good and His lovingkindness is everlasting!

Let us agree on this, “For where two or three [have] gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” (Mat 18 v 20)

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Thought for the day
What is your perception of truth?

What is truth?”, Pilate asked… (John 18 v 38)

The Lord has put it on my heart to write an article about truth and it feels like He is urging me to take the time and write about this much debated topic and I will do so soon…

How do you perceive truth?

Some believe truth is relative, while others firmly believe it is absolute. Pilate asked Jesus, what was probably one of the most important (if not the most important) questions anyone could ask the Creator and Saviour of the world.

We have all read that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, but can we fully comprehend this truth or do we simply choose to believe, because it seems like the right thing to do and with so many unanswered questions, we prefer not to dig too deep as to prevent us from questioning our own beliefs.

My plea today is that we will take the time and evaluate our take on truth, especially Jesus’ claim and the truth regarding the scriptures and our interpretation thereof. Ask the Lord to reveal His truth to you and remove the veil, that is causing our spiritual blindness, through His Spirit.

My prayer is that we will be honest with God if we struggle with certain aspects of the truth. Be real with the Lord, for He knows the intentions of your heart. May He reveal Himself in ways you have never experienced before.

Let us put aside our our own interpretations for a while and allow the Spirit to teach us. You might just be pleasantly surprized or absolutely shocked! More often than not it is pride that prevents us from seeing what God wants to show us, causing us to miss out on the treasures of His word.

May today be a revelation to you while you experience the grace and the love of the Living God, knowing that He is who He says He is. Let’s pray as a body that the Spirit will guide us into ALL truth.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 19 v 1-15; Acts 26 v 1-18; Ps 42 v 1-11; Lev 14 v 1-15 v 33
Hope in God, for He is able

Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” (Ps 42 v 5)

The people of God placed their hope in the coming Messiah, although in many ways for the wrong reasons, while David and Paul also placed their hope in the Lord for deliverance, they also put their trust in the Lord, regardless the outcome.

Why do you hope and trust in the Lord?

If it is purely to have Him change your circumstances, you are deceived. God is able to deliver us from our dire situation we might find ourselves in and He will also change your circumstances, should He wish to do so, BUT He is not obliged to do anything.

If you earnestly seek the Lord with all your heart and you place your hope and trust in Him, because you have reached a point where you have become hopeless due to your circumstances and everyone you have trusted has let you down, He will comfort you and His grace will be sufficient.

Will He necessarily change your circumstances? Perhaps He will, maybe He won’t. He is God and if we are to be called sons and daughters of the King, we should have unconditional faith in Him, that He will make all things work together for good, regardless of the outcome.

We should have an attitude of gratitude. “If we win, we praise God, if we lose, We praise Him” Although He is able to turn our situation around so that we do not suffer, He allows trials and tribulation for us to grow and mature in our faith. This life is not and should not be about our comfort, but about learning….

Learning how to trust the Lord in everything. Learning to listen to God, tuning in to His still, small voice. Learning to love Him and those around us. Learning to be humble and serve God and others with kindness. The list goes on…

Take a moment out of your busy schedule today. Praise the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever. His lovingkindness is never ending and above all, He has saved us from certain death and for that reason we should be willing to suffer momentarily for the sake of His Name.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 19 v 16-30; Acts 26 v 19-32; Ps 43 v 1-5; Lev 16 v 1-17 v 16
The first and the last

Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Mat 19 v 24)

Where do you stand when it comes to the kingdom of God?

The rich man knew that he was still lacking something, even though he had done so many things right, but when he heard the sacrifice he had to make, he just couldn’t get himself to give up everything he had and follow Jesus.

King Agrippa also knew that Paul’s message involved sacrifice and from this passage it is not clear whether he acknowledged that Paul had actually persuaded him of the truth or simply mentioned to Paul that he could see it was his (Paul’s) intention to “convert” him.

If only we would realize the commitment of God’s people before the time of Jesus. They were instructed to sacrifice in a certain way to set them apart from the other nations who practiced idol worship. They also faulted and worshipped pagan gods, but the point is those who obeyed completely, gave up much to serve the Lord.

Shall we go to the altar of God today and sacrifice everything that is preventing us from fulfilling our purpose, which is to know God and make Him known. To love the Lord our God with our whole existence and our neighbour as ourselves?

Are you willing to give away your “prized possessions” and follow the Lord. This could simply involve giving up certain luxuries that have come between you and the Lord. If you are drawn to the things of this world, starve your flesh and sacrifice its lusts before the Lord today.

The reward is much greater than we can ever comprehend, should we die unto self, and if you are asking “who then can be saved?“, like the disciples did, I say to you that “with God ALL things are possible!“.

He knows your heart and the intentions thereof. He knows your needs (and your wants), your struggles and your fears. In spite of all these challenges, He should be our focus and in seeking His kingdom first, the rest will be given unto us!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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