
Mat17 v 14-27; Acts 24 v 1-27; Ps 39 v 1-13; Lev 5 v 1-7 v 38
Faith of a mustard seed

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed….” (Mat 17 v 20)

What is the measure of your faith, when compared to the above and do you wish to heal people or drive out demons like Jesus and the disciples did?

If only we had the measure of faith that Paul displayed while being persecuted and imprisoned. He appeared before the rulers of those days and were questioned by them, after he was handed over by the Pharisees.

He was shouted at by the people who wanted him, either thrown in prison or even killed, when they voiced their opinion. Sounds to me like Paul experienced the same kind of persecution Jesus did and yet, through it all, remained faithful to God.

He presented a defense for his belief in the death and resurrection of Christ with so much conviction. Something that is often seen as a myth, especially in this secular driven, “post-modern” era where “seeing is believing” and having faith in something (or someone) who cannot be seen seems ludicrous.

If only we had faith, the size of a mustard seed, we would believe and trust in God, without any doubt, knowing that our faith can “move mountains” for “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11 v 1) [ESV]

How would you rate yourself? Do you consider yourself to be a doubting Thomas or a confident Paul? If you sometimes have second thoughts about your belief in Christ, His death and resurrection and God’s plan for you, believe in Jesus’ words and “nothing will be impossible to you.”

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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