
Prayer for today
Signs of the times

Dear beloved,
My prayer for today is this…

Heavenly Father
As we see the end times draw near, ever so quickly, and the return of our Messiah becoming more of a reality by the day, I ask that you grant us the grace to continue in this race.

The signs of the times are evident and the very things of which you have spoken are taking place today, yet you warned us not to be deceived. Without the guidance of Your Spirit we are at the mercy of the world and therefore I pray that you minister to us through Your Spirit.

Teach us how to serve you faithfully. Show us the way in which we should go so that we walk in faith, following after you. Let Your Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path that we may not wander off in the darkness, but walk in the light, for that is where truth and righteousness abide.

Give us understanding and the required discernment to judge righteously and to test every spirit to see if it is from You. Let us remain sober in spirit through studying Your Word. Holy Spirit, intercede for us, for we do not always no how to pray.

Guide us into all truth according to Your perfect and timeless Word. Give us hope and let us not be ashamed for the gospel, leading to salvation. Even though a time may come that we will suffer for our belief in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we can be sure of our inheritance, should we finish this race.

We declare Your majesty and Your sovereignty. King of kings and Lord of lords. Holy, perfect and just are you, O Lord. You deserve all the power, honour and glory, forever and ever. AMEN

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