
Mat 21 v 33-46; Rom 1 v 18-32; Ps 49 v 1-20; Num 3 v 1-4 v 49
Unrighteousness rebuked

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.” (Rom 1 v 18-29)

How do you perceive God and what is your view of Jesus?

If God is simply a concept of a higher, impersonal being and Jesus a figure of history past, brought about by precepts of men, then you should reconsider your belief system.

The “disciples” of the religious institute didn’t consider Jesus as the Son of God, neither did they fear God, for they manipulated the people by presenting to them a figure of God, contrary to that of their forefathers. On top of this they bound the people to a certain set of rules, whilst living according to their own authority, abusing the law to their advantage.

Jesus warned those who rejected Him, the One who has come in the Name of the Father. God has also warned those who reject and suppress the truth in unrighteousness and in response, 1) He gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, 2) He also gave them over to degrading passions, and 3) He then gave them over to a depraved mind…

Being filled with unrighteousness and all its attributes those who practice these things mentioned in Romans 1 will face God’s judgment as well as those who approve of these wicked acts.

All of us are guilty and should stand in judgment before God’s throne, for He created us in His image and has given man an understanding of who He is and the discernment to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil and therefore man is without excuse.

Thanks to God for His underserved mercy and redemption through Christ, who also gave us the Holy Spirit, interceding for us, or else we would be without guidance, lost at sea, tossed around by every wave and every wind of teaching (Eph 4 v 14).

This much is true. We will all give account for our actions and even if it seems that the unrighteous is victorious in this life, God does not sleep, nor does He slumber, and His day of reckoning will come, sooner than the world might anticipate. For this reason we should turn from our wickedness and seek the Lord while He may still be found.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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