
Thought for the day
Faith that can move mountains

Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do NOT doubt, you will not only do what was done to this fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘be taken up and cast into the sea’, it will happen.  And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Mat 21 v 21-22)

How many times have we seen the disciples stand in awe after Jesus had performed a miracle?  Why was it so difficult for them to believe and do we believe Jesus’ words more today than they did while walking alongside Him?

It seems there are two conditions for us to meet in order to experience the power of God;

  • Firstly, we should have faith, without doubting

Doesn’t having faith automatically remove all doubt?  It is clear from this passage that both faith and the absence of doubt is required to experience God at work.  

There is ample evidence in the Scriptures in the Old and New Testament where people trusted the Lord without any doubt.  Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his only son and even if we question God’s motives it is irrelevant, because Abraham obeyed and God provided a substitute.

Noah was instructed to build a boat and as the only righteous man he listen and obeyed and through his obedience his whole family was saved.  Almost all of the disciples were killed for their faith without doubting their salvation and eventual resurrection.  Just look at Stephen who saw His redemption draw near.  Hebrews 11 is full of examples of men and woman living by faith.

  • Then we should believe that we will receive the things asked in prayer.

It is also written that we do not receive, because we do not ask and when we ask it is for our own pleasure and fleshly desires, while Jesus said that everything we ask in His Name we shall receive.  

Off course we should define “everything” before simply assuming this entails EVERYTHING this world has to offer.  The bible should be read in context, just like any other book or else one will be very disappointed and then blame everyone involved, from the writers to the translators as well as the interpreters and even God Himself when your requests are not fulfilled.

It is difficult for many believers to simply trust in the Lord for their next meal, yet we think that we can pray for luxuries in the name of God…  

Throughout the bible’s history it is evident that those who sacrificed everything and committed themselves to the kingdom of God, didn’t live in luxury….  wait a minute.  What about the kings and even Abraham and Job, to name a few?  Solomon was very wealthy.  His wealth was equal to 666 talents and he built the temple with the resources God gave him.

This is true, yet he prayed and asked God for wisdom, instead of wealth and God, seeing his motives and the intentions of his heart, granted him wisdom and blessed Solomon in abundance (1 Kings 3 v 1 -15).  

Our measure of faith should be practiced daily.  

Trust God in the small things and He will prepare you for greater things that are yet to come.  There are many promises that will come to pass in the next life and this should be our focus.  Live for eternity, for that is where God’s treasure lies and the fullness of His glory will be displayed to those who remain faithful.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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