
Mat 10 v 1-20; Acts 15 v 1-21; Ps 23 v 1-6; Gen 50 v 1-26
Circumcision of the heart

But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus…” (Acts 15 v 11)

You have heard us say before, that we are saved by grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone and that the law of Moses cannot save us, but merely point us to the Cross.

Just as there were many who continued to proclaim the law of Moses and circumcision, even after coming to faith, we still find believers today, who preach the observance of this law…

I thank the Lord, that He has “cleansed our hearts by faith” (vers 9) and that we are now under the law of Christ, which is a spiritual law, engraved on our hearts, while living according to His principles.

This undeserved mercy that has befallen us, cannot be earned and without the Lord as our Shepherd, we will always fall short. Consider God’s abundant grace, His goodness, lovingkindness and compassion.

Meditate on His word everyday waking moment. There is not much time left before the Lord’s return, for His kingdom is near, when He will come in great power and glory. Until then, we are to abstain from what is evil and seek His perfect will.

Call on the Lord today and allow Him to wash you clean from all unrighteousness, through His blood that was shed. Rely on Him for your salvation and sanctification and allow His Spirit to guide you into all truth.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 10 v 21-42; Acts 15 v 22-41; Ps 24 v 1-10; Ex 1 v 1 - 3 v 22
Take up your cross

And he who does not take [up] his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of me.” (Mat 10 v 38)

What does it mean to take up your cross and follow after Him? Perhaps we should ask ourselves if we would have been willing to carry Jesus’ cross just like Simon of Cyrene did?

The apostles took it upon them, inspired by the Holy Spirit to travel and preach the good news of the cross. Soon did they realise how much offense people would take because of the cross, but little did they (the people) know the price that was paid on that cross for their salvation.

What does God expect of His children besides that we should love Him above anyone and everything else? This includes our own life, for if we seek to keep our lives we will lose it and end up separated from the living God.

For me to take up my cross, I have to be willing to suffer for His Name’s sake, just as He suffered for us and follow His lead wherever it may take me. I have to be willing to endure persecution and face my enemies. Are you willing to take up your cross like Moses did?

He had the difficult task ahead of facing Pharaoh to free God’s people. Moses made excuses not to follow through, but the Lord encouraged him and promised Him that He would be with Him all the way and Moses took God on His word.

We can also take God’s word and count on Him, for He is trustworthy, reliable and unchanging. He will see you through and remain with you if you are faithful and remain in Him. Ask God today, what His purpose for your life is and then be prepared to leave your comfort behind, in order to seek His will for your life.

Moses made excuses initially, but eventually agreed. The Israelites murmured while in the wilderness and longed for Egypt, yet many remained faithful and put their trust in God. The journey ahead might be daunting, but God never disappoints.

May He grant you the grace and longsuffering to endure to the end!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 11 v 1-19; Acts 16 v 1-15; Ps 25 v 1-22; Ex 4 v 1-6 v 30
Make Your way known to us

God made His way known to Moses and yet Moses tried everything within his power to pass the responsibility onto someone else. He was chosen by God to free His people from slavery and although He revealed His power and glory to him, he (Moses) continued to make excuses, until the Lord nominated Aaron for the task, although Moses was not exempt, for he had lessons to learn.

Are we too like Moses, wanting to do God’s will, but not so keen to submit completely? Always making excuses, thinking the Lord cannot see our motives, yet He knows our every thought! Are we honest in our dealings with God, really seeking His will or do we just give Him lip service for our conscience sake?

David wrote in Psalm 25 v 3 that “none of those who wait for the Lord will be ashamed.” [paraphrase]. Have you asked the Lord lately to reveal His way to you? Are you willing to wait on Him patiently day and night, while doing what your hand finds to do?

Although we have free will to do as we please, surely as believers we should seek the Lord’s will, shouldn’t we? Yet it is written that God will instruct us in the way we should choose (Ps 25 v 12). This does not mean we can simply do as we please, but God allows us to practice our free will as long as we fear Him and serve Him wholeheartedly.

John, the baptist prepared the way for Jesus and made Him known to the people. Jesus, Himself, made His way known to those who followed Him and yet they struggled to believe. It is written that God’s ways are not ours and we should always consult Him in our decision making, but even if we have chosen not too and things don’t work out as expected, He will make all things work together for good, for those who love Him.

There is a fine balance between using your free will to simply do as you please and using your free will to seek the Lord. Remember, we are not puppets in God’s hands. He wants children who acknowledge Him because they love Him and obey Him because He knows best. God will reveal His plans for your life in due course. Worship in spirit and truth while you wait on Him.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 11 v 20-30; Acts 16 v 16-40; Ps 26 v 1-12; Ex 7 v 1-9 v 35
The unrepentant heart

Neither Pharaoh and his people, nor those whom Jesus preached to believed and honoured God, even after seeing the miracles that were performed by Moses, Aaron and Jesus respectively, while Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for casting out the spirit of divination.

Will you say like David did in Ps 26 v 2, “Examine me, O Lord, and try me; Test my mind and my heart…” Will you ask the Lord to soften your heart today and open your mind to the meaning and understanding of His word, so that you might believe and be saved or will you harden your heart against the living God?

Jesus says that He is gentle and humble in heart, that His yoke is easy and His burden is light and that everyone who is weary and heavy-laden should come to Him, for He will give you rest. (Mat 11 v 28 – 30).

Have you walked among those who practice wickedness for far too long? Those who deceive, pretend and thrive, while doing evil? Today is the day to seek the Lord with all your heart. To walk in His righteousness and truth, just as David did.

The day of judgement is coming and God has been patient for very long. Do not be caught without oil in your lamp. Call on the Name of the Lord and seek Him while He can still be found. For a famine is coming when people will long for His word (Amos 8 v 11).

My prayer is that the Lord will save you from this perverted world. May He open your spiritual eyes and ears. May He renew your spirit so that you will become a new creation, washed in the blood of Jesus.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 12 v 1-21; Acts 17 v 1-15; Ps 27 v 1-14; Ex 10 v 1-12 v 51
Lord of the Sabbath

I desire compassion, and not a sacrifice…” (Mat 12 v 7)

Once again the religious visage was upheld by the Pharisees, who refused to acknowledge the Lord Jesus, while they continued to look for reasons to have Him killed, using the healing of the man’s hand on the Sabbath as an excuse to accuse Him of breaking the law.

The Jews would continue to stir up those who accepted the word of the Lord that Paul and Silas preached on the Sabbath. Christ, Jesus who had suffered under men and died, but rose again. They were accused of proclaiming another King, Jesus.

Was there really a difference between Jesus’ healing of a man’s hand on the Sabbath or the apostles preaching on the Sabbath? It seemed that those who were offended by what they proclaimed, simply looked for reasons to have Jesus and His disciples silenced.

Religion offers a comfortable lifestyle, whereby you simply need to adhere to the set of rules of the institution in order to be accepted, regardless of the state of your heart. These rules are more often than not, adjusted according to the needs of the ones who manage those who are under their influence.

Jesus fulfilled the whole law, not just parts of it, yet we pick and choose that which suits (and pleases) us. He therefore also fulfilled the Sabbath and through that have become our rest. No longer are we required to follow instructions from men, through what Jesus has done on the cross.

Only He can offer us the true peace and sabbath’s rest for our souls. No longer are we required to sacrifice, for He has become the ultimate sacrifice. May the Lord and Saviour become your rest today, in this muddled up world where there is no rest for the natural man.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 12 v 22-37; Acts 17 v 16-34; Ps 28 v 1-9; Ex 13 v 1-15 v 27
Words of justification

For the mouth speaks of that which fills the heart.” (Mat 12 v 34)

How careless are you with the things you say to others? Are you reckless with the words you use when addressing people?

Do you bless or curse others? Do you encourage or break them down?

It is written that a tree is known by its fruit (vers 33) and you don’t have to say much in order for others to see your character. Those in Athens referred to Paul as an “idle babbler” and it makes you wonder what they would have called Jesus…

Regardless, they will have to give account for the careless manner in which they addressed him, for we will either be justified by our words, or condemned through our words, especially those who began to mock him when he spoke about the resurrection of the dead.

We should rather direct our thoughts to our Heavenly Father, who is near us in the form of His Spirit. Cry out to Him like David did. Call on His Name in order to be saved so that you are not counted among those who speak peace, yet evil is in your heart (Ps 28 v 3).

Bless the Lord, for He is our strength and our shield. Thank Him for defending you against the onslaught of the wicked. Sing songs of worship and praise Him continually for He is highly exalted and while the enemy threatens to overtake you, the Lord will protect you.

Blessed be His Name, the God of our salvation!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 12 v 38-50; Acts 18 v 1-17; Ps 29 v 1-11; Ex 16 v 1-18 v 27
faith comes by hearing

An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign…” (Mat 12 v 39)

Many will say that seeing is believing and unfortunately this might be the case when dealing with most people, although the opposite is true when believing in God and the things He is capable of doing.

The religious people that Paul, Silas and Timothy preached to, had no interest in hearing the good news of God’s salvation and closed their ears and resisted the truth. For this reason Paul left and moved on to the gentiles, who in turn, would gladly accept the gospel through hearing the word of truth.

The Israelites also needed a sign. They had to see that God would provide in their needs and complained continuously. Even though God provided abundantly and instructed them not to keep any food until the next day, they went ahead and stored up some of the food.

They were not willing to trust the Lord, knowing He would keep His word and look after them. They put their trust in their own provisions and through this tested the Lord, just like a child would test their parents, after being instructed to do something.

Listen to the voice of the Lord, for He is a God who keeps His word. The God of our salvation has called us to come out of Egypt and to follow Him. His voice is powerful and majestic. Pay attention to His voice. Listen to His instruction and be saved from this adulterous generation.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 13 v 1-23; Acts 18 v 18-28; Ps 30 v 1-12; Ex 19 v 1-20 v 26
Seeds of righteousness

And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty.” (Mat 13 v 23)

Jesus knew the hearts of the people and for that reason He spoke in parables, for they would continue to hear and not understand, while seeing and not perceiving. (vers 14)

It is almost as if they have decided to willfully close their spiritual eyes and ears, so that they might not hear and see, or else understand with their heart and be saved.

Many hear the word, but because they don’t allow it to take root, they become lukewarm and fall away, while others allow the things of the world to overcome them and they do not yield any fruit.

Those who hear God’s truth and accept it with their whole heart, understands it, for they long after His righteousness. Their spiritual eyes and ears are receptive and allow His word to penetrate the deepest parts of their soul to expose that which is not of God.

Will you allow the Lord today to heal you? Are you willing to listen to His word of truth and be changed? Only the God of Scripture is able to save us, through His grace. We cannot rely on our strength, thinking we can stand firm and never be moved.

May the seeds of righteousness that is sown in your life, take root and bear fruits of love, patience and longsuffering. May His law be written on your heart so that you will become a living sacrifice, cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and blameless, just like He is.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 13 v 24-43; Acts 19 v 1-22; Ps31 v 1-24; Ex 21 v 1-23 v 33
The harvest is near

The world is our field in which we should sow good seed for the harvest is near.

Do not allow our enemy, the devil, to come and sow seeds of doubt, bitterness and hatred. A day will come when the Lord will reap His harvest and all those who have rejected Him and rather chose to serve the god of this world, will be removed from the Lord’s presence, while those who remained faithful to God’s word and obeyed His commandments, will rule with Him in righteousness.

What are the signs then, of the harvest?

The answer to this question can be found in Matthew 24 where Jesus responds to His disciples’ question of the “sign of of His coming and of the end of the age.” [paraphrase].

In the very next verse Jesus says that they should “see to it that no one misleads them.” [paraphrase] and goes on to explain the events that can be expected to follow. Even in the time of Paul, there were false prophets and magicians, who first deceived the people and then came to the knowledge of the truth, through the good seed that was sown by him (Paul) and the disciples.

Today we are overwhelmed with so many teachers who proclaim they have the truth and the only way to separate the wheat from the tares is to remain in God’s word, be sober and alert, while seeking guidance from the Spirit of truth.

All the laws that were handed to the people, were given for a reason. God wanted to set apart his people so that they would not become defiled by pagan worship and rituals and even though many of them disobeyed his commandments, those who remained faithful inherited the promised land.

Will you put your trust in idols or will you trust in the Lord? The end of the age is dawning upon us, producing much uncertainty. Do not be dismayed because of all the lawlessness, immorality and unrighteousness taking place.

God is our ROCK, our SALVATION and our FORTRESS. Therefore, “be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord” (Ps 31 v 24).

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 13 v 33-58; Acts 19 v 23-41; Ps 32 v 1-11; Ex 24 v 1-26 v 37
The hidden treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field…” (Mat 14 v 44)

Do we really understand the meaning of “the kingdom of heaven“? Can we even begin to grasp its mystery and comprehend its eternal value?

We are bound to time and space as well as the material and for this reason it is easy to believe this life is all that its about. We are born and from a very young age taught certain principles, whether in school or by our parents.

They teach us about things that are temporary, often without value as it doesn’t enrich our lives through the way it is presented to us. We are taught to study certain subject matters that quite often doesn’t even interest us, yet your whole existence in this world is based on passing the one test after the next, over the course of many years.

Now don’t take this the wrong way. There is merit for working your way through the school of life, seeing that you learn valuable lessons that build character, but shouldn’t we put more emphasis on focusing what the Lord has instore for us?

He says that “He will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go and will counsel you with His eye upon you.” (Ps 32 v 8) [paraphrase]

There are so many undiscovered treasures in the word of God and not only that. His kingdom, which is not of this world, awaits us and we can already get a taste of this when we devote ourselves to the living God and His teachings.

Remember, where you treasure is, there your heart will be also. If you are still a slave to this world, ask the Lord to reveal the mysteries of this unfounded and unmatched treasure so that your soul and spirit will long for an eternity with Him when He returns to take us home, for we are sojourners and only passing through.

Do not make this your home. Heaven awaits us, should we decide to live a life dedicated to the Lord Jesus.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 14 v 1-21; Acts 20 v 1-12; Ps 33 v 1-22; Ex 27 v 1-29 v 46
God is our Lord

“You spoke a word and life began… told oceans where to start and where to end… You put in motion time and space and still you come and You call to me by name. [Stars, Skillet]

The same God who spoke the universe into existence and sustains it, is Lord of heaven and earth. The heavens are His dwelling place and the earth His footstool. His hand is upon those who practice righteousness.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord….” [Those who are called by their name], “The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance“. (Ps 33 v12)

The God we serve is a living God and is not bound to His creation. He is timeless, space less and immaterial, yet He became flesh and dwelled among us. He offered His body as a living sacrifice so that we may be justified as sons and daughters of the Most High.

Just as the priests made atonement for the people by consecrating the altar, to sacrifice on their behalf, our High Priest was without blemish, spotless as a lamb and became the ultimate and final sacrifice.

Our Redeemer, Who has no beginning and no end, is God and Lord and nothing that came into existence, came into being without it being made by Him.

I thank the Lord for His righteousness, lovingkindness and patience. He is the God of our salvation who delivered us from evil. He is faithful and just. He is the same God who made a covenant with Abraham and invites us into His courts.

Are you without hope today? Does your life seem meaningless?
You have a direct line to the Creator of this universe. If this sounds unbelievable and borderline absurd, just look at the overwhelming evidence of a creation that is fine tuned and how nature works in harmony with itself.

Surely there had to be a start to all of this… There must have been an intellectual designer to give purpose to every little detail we so easily take for granted. You were made in the image of God. Your life is sacred. You have a purpose and this is to know God and make Him known!

All glory and honour to the Lord, God Almighty!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 14 v 22-36; Acts 20 v 13-38; Ps 34 v 1-22; Ex 30 v 1-31 v 18
Take courage and do not be afraid

The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” (Ps 34 v 17)

Are you stuck in a boat that is battered by the waves and tossed around by the stormy winds? Is the Lord calling you to take a leap of faith towards Him, in the midst of being caught up in the storm?

All of us suffer from doubting the Lord’s ability, one time or another. On the one hand, we acknowledge that God is almighty and powerful, having made the heavens and the earth – the universe that is ever expanding – but on the other hand, we easily underestimate His ability to change our situation for good.

You of little faith. Why do you doubt the Lord? Where were you when He spoke the world into existence?

I speak to myself first when I say that we have no reason to fear anything or anyone. The Lord urges us to come to Him. He will deliver us from, what seems to be, a “dire strait” and He will teach us what it is like to fear Him.

You of little faith. Come to the Lord and taste that which is good. Seek Him with your whole being and you will not lack any good thing.

The Lord is clear that He is near to those who are afflicted, whose spirit is crushed. He acknowledges our trials and tribulations, but does not condemn those who take refuge in Him.

The Christian walk is one of many challenges and there is no guarantee that it will be without disappointments, but one thing is certain and it is this… God is faithful. Fear the Lord and yet, do not be afraid. He is greater than your biggest hurt. His grace is abundant, all-sufficient and covers a magnitude of sin, hurt and disappointments.

You of little faith. Take comfort in the fact that God takes care of those who keep His commandments and seek His will for their lives.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


New year's message

Without sounding like a broken record, we have all seen the impact and ripple effect of the past year’s events and how it has forced people to look differently at their existence in this fragile world.

We can no longer simply rely on our work place to look after us until the day we retire as that might not even happen as expected. You and I have to look at other alternatives in order to ensure financial stability and independence, and unfortunately not everyone is multi-skilled.

In an ever changing world – sometimes for the worse – believers are faced with many challenges and it’s not always that clear cut when it comes to making the right decisions, or is it? Should it not just be a matter of trusting in the Lord, regardless of your situation, or does faith not always come into play when making “worldly” decisions?

I don’t believe in separating ones faith from reality. We are required to practice our faith whether we are at the office, in public or the privacy of our own homes. The question begging, is this;

How has the past year affected your faith?

Have you grown more dependent (than ever before) on the Lord for provision, or are you still caught up in the rat race, aka survival of the fittest?

Is your vision for the new year one of material wealth and entails striving after the next promotion, longing after the brand new car or dreaming about a bigger house? Are you focused on getting your retirement plan in order?

Don’t think that I am against financial growth in this life and planning for your retirement, but that should not be our focus. If we live according to the Scriptures, we should first seek the kingdom of God, knowing the rest will be looked after.

We don’t practice a superficial belief. Our faith is real and we serve a living God. We should love Him wholeheartedly, for He loved us first. Our love for Him should extend to the people around us, loved ones and neighbours alike. We cannot claim to love God and then treat others with contempt and disrespect.

Even if you might think that Christians shouldn’t engage in new year’s resolutions, it is still worth your while to be still for a few moments and take the time to make some notes that you will realistically be able to action.

This is my vision for the new year…
I will make God my priority and strive to spend more quality time with Him and through prayer and fellowship with Him and other believers, mature in my faith and build sound relationships with those who share my vision.

I will humble myself before the Living God and be willing to learn the lessons in this life, required to graduate and transition to an eternity with Him, knowing that He makes everything work together for good for those who love Him.

I will treat others the same way I expect to be treated, regardless of their world view and wait on the Lord to share the good news of His saving grace, for His timing is perfect.

May 2021 be a year of change.
If your situation seems hopeless. Do NOT be dismayed. Look up and call on the Name of the Lord. He will not disappoint if you put your hope and trust in Him, allowing His perfect will to manifest in your life.

If you seem to be going along reasonably comfortable… Do not take your foot of the pedal. Continue to work hard and more than ever before, focus on the Lord. Make Him your first love (again). Do not put your trust in the material as it can so easily wither away.

To God all the honour and glory. Forever and ever. AMEN.

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