
Mat 13 v 24-43; Acts 19 v 1-22; Ps31 v 1-24; Ex 21 v 1-23 v 33
The harvest is near

The world is our field in which we should sow good seed for the harvest is near.

Do not allow our enemy, the devil, to come and sow seeds of doubt, bitterness and hatred. A day will come when the Lord will reap His harvest and all those who have rejected Him and rather chose to serve the god of this world, will be removed from the Lord’s presence, while those who remained faithful to God’s word and obeyed His commandments, will rule with Him in righteousness.

What are the signs then, of the harvest?

The answer to this question can be found in Matthew 24 where Jesus responds to His disciples’ question of the “sign of of His coming and of the end of the age.” [paraphrase].

In the very next verse Jesus says that they should “see to it that no one misleads them.” [paraphrase] and goes on to explain the events that can be expected to follow. Even in the time of Paul, there were false prophets and magicians, who first deceived the people and then came to the knowledge of the truth, through the good seed that was sown by him (Paul) and the disciples.

Today we are overwhelmed with so many teachers who proclaim they have the truth and the only way to separate the wheat from the tares is to remain in God’s word, be sober and alert, while seeking guidance from the Spirit of truth.

All the laws that were handed to the people, were given for a reason. God wanted to set apart his people so that they would not become defiled by pagan worship and rituals and even though many of them disobeyed his commandments, those who remained faithful inherited the promised land.

Will you put your trust in idols or will you trust in the Lord? The end of the age is dawning upon us, producing much uncertainty. Do not be dismayed because of all the lawlessness, immorality and unrighteousness taking place.

God is our ROCK, our SALVATION and our FORTRESS. Therefore, “be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord” (Ps 31 v 24).

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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