
Mat 14 v 22-36; Acts 20 v 13-38; Ps 34 v 1-22; Ex 30 v 1-31 v 18
Take courage and do not be afraid

The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” (Ps 34 v 17)

Are you stuck in a boat that is battered by the waves and tossed around by the stormy winds? Is the Lord calling you to take a leap of faith towards Him, in the midst of being caught up in the storm?

All of us suffer from doubting the Lord’s ability, one time or another. On the one hand, we acknowledge that God is almighty and powerful, having made the heavens and the earth – the universe that is ever expanding – but on the other hand, we easily underestimate His ability to change our situation for good.

You of little faith. Why do you doubt the Lord? Where were you when He spoke the world into existence?

I speak to myself first when I say that we have no reason to fear anything or anyone. The Lord urges us to come to Him. He will deliver us from, what seems to be, a “dire strait” and He will teach us what it is like to fear Him.

You of little faith. Come to the Lord and taste that which is good. Seek Him with your whole being and you will not lack any good thing.

The Lord is clear that He is near to those who are afflicted, whose spirit is crushed. He acknowledges our trials and tribulations, but does not condemn those who take refuge in Him.

The Christian walk is one of many challenges and there is no guarantee that it will be without disappointments, but one thing is certain and it is this… God is faithful. Fear the Lord and yet, do not be afraid. He is greater than your biggest hurt. His grace is abundant, all-sufficient and covers a magnitude of sin, hurt and disappointments.

You of little faith. Take comfort in the fact that God takes care of those who keep His commandments and seek His will for their lives.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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