
Mat 14 v 1-21; Acts 20 v 1-12; Ps 33 v 1-22; Ex 27 v 1-29 v 46
God is our Lord

“You spoke a word and life began… told oceans where to start and where to end… You put in motion time and space and still you come and You call to me by name. [Stars, Skillet]

The same God who spoke the universe into existence and sustains it, is Lord of heaven and earth. The heavens are His dwelling place and the earth His footstool. His hand is upon those who practice righteousness.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord….” [Those who are called by their name], “The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance“. (Ps 33 v12)

The God we serve is a living God and is not bound to His creation. He is timeless, space less and immaterial, yet He became flesh and dwelled among us. He offered His body as a living sacrifice so that we may be justified as sons and daughters of the Most High.

Just as the priests made atonement for the people by consecrating the altar, to sacrifice on their behalf, our High Priest was without blemish, spotless as a lamb and became the ultimate and final sacrifice.

Our Redeemer, Who has no beginning and no end, is God and Lord and nothing that came into existence, came into being without it being made by Him.

I thank the Lord for His righteousness, lovingkindness and patience. He is the God of our salvation who delivered us from evil. He is faithful and just. He is the same God who made a covenant with Abraham and invites us into His courts.

Are you without hope today? Does your life seem meaningless?
You have a direct line to the Creator of this universe. If this sounds unbelievable and borderline absurd, just look at the overwhelming evidence of a creation that is fine tuned and how nature works in harmony with itself.

Surely there had to be a start to all of this… There must have been an intellectual designer to give purpose to every little detail we so easily take for granted. You were made in the image of God. Your life is sacred. You have a purpose and this is to know God and make Him known!

All glory and honour to the Lord, God Almighty!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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