
Brothers, please join me tomorrow for “14 days on serving”.  Let’s spend the time to align ourselves with the Word to  regain a balanced perspective of what it means to serve God and our fellow beings.  My prayer is that God will soften our hearts and reveal Himself during this time.  May we come to an understanding of the example Jesus set, who came to us as a humble servant of the Almighty God and ultimately sacrificed His life…


Is 40 v 29

Please read the whole chapter of Isaiah 40 and realize once again who we are dealing with.   Our God is the creator and sustainer of the universe and those who wait on the Lord will gain new strength, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.  Let us not regard ourselves anything more than mere servants of the Almighty God who will receive our reward according to our deeds.  Thank you Lord for your lovingkindness and grace in abundance.


Rom 15 v 4-7; Thank you Lord for the reassurance and the hope that your Word provides.


1 Pet 4 v 8

Fervent is described as passionate, hot, glowing or burning.  A sincere, wholehearted and zealous love.  We can only love each other this way if we first love God wholeheartedly above everything else.  My prayer is that the Spirit will awaken a steadfast love for our Saviour and refresh your faith so that your heart will burn for the Lord and fellowship with Him.  You are blessed beloved brothers


1 Pet 1 v 23

1 Peter 1 v 17-23; Conduct yourselves in fear [and trembling] and in obedience, during this (short) stay on earth dear brothers, knowing that this life and all the challenges, trials and tribulations is only temporary, for we have been bought with the precious blood of Christ and renewed through Him, who is the Word and His love endures forever.  Therefore, we should love one another as He loved us.


James 3 v 13 – 18

17 “But the wisdom from above is first PURE, then PEACABLE, GENTLE, REASONABLE, FULL OF MERCY and GOOD FRUITS, UNWAVERING, without HYPOCRICY.”


1 Thes 5 v 16 – 18

I rejoice in the Lord for the rains that were desperately needed.  I pray For those who are left stranded amidst the down pours, but give thanks to our Creator for He is good.  May He continue to pour out His grace on us.  May we continue to seek His will and put our hope and trust in the Almighty.  To God all the glory, honour and power, forever and ever


Psalm 149 v 4

I thank the Lord for His gift of salvation that is everlasting.  Therefore remain humble and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.  In deep reverence seek and serve the Lord until the end of your days on earth for He is good and to His goodness and kindness there is no end.

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