
Psalm 11 and 42
Be courageous

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

Why are you in despair my soul?
And why have you become disturbed within me?

It is written that suffering produces perseverance (Rom 5 v 3). You might be facing your biggest challenge in your adult life today, not knowing how you will overcome this mountain. You may feel that the Lord has abandoned you and their is no one you can turn to for help.

I want to say this to you today;
Do not be dismayed and do not fear. Go to your “inner room”, be still and know that He is God. Pour out your heart before Him. Make known to Him your greatest fears, although He knows your thoughts even before you do. He wants you to submit and give over to Him completely.

It is in times of great despair, during our biggest trials that we realize there is more to life than what meets the eye and only God can give us the grace to continue this race we are running. Nothing else makes sense. Think about it. There is so much evidence that point to God, yet many of us keep denying His existence and we still get angry at Him if things don’t go our way.

It actually takes courage to say you are not able to rely on your own strength. It takes courage to step down from your own little throne and allow God to take His rightful place. It takes courage to put your trust in someone we can apparently not see. It takes courage to hope in a life with the Lord after passing on.

At the end of the day, when we have lived our lives and look back over a life time of struggles, trying to make ends meet, what have we gained if we have not gained the Lord’s favour? Be courageous and take a leap of faith toward God today. He will make Himself known to you in ways you could never have imagined.

Take refuge in the Lord, the Rock of our salvation. He has not abandoned you. He is waiting for you to meet with Him so that He can make known to you the treasures of His kingdom, which is not of this world.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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