
Prayer for today
We serve a living God

One thing I have learnt from the last couple of weeks, reading through the book of Psalms (although not done yet), is that we are dependent on the Lord in every regard and I feel an urge to pray this morning for those who have not yet come to the knowledge of this truth, which points to the living God who designed and created a fine tuned universe and earth for us to live on.

This is my prayer:
Thank you Lord that we can know you personally, as a living God, who sustains His creation. An intelligent designer, who put in motion time and space. You designed everything to function exactly the way it should in order for us to survive. You made us in your image and your character is revealed in those who love You wholeheartedly.

You loved us so much that you gave up a part of yourself to become a man without losing your sovereignty so that through your Son, who came to reveal your heart to us, we could be redeemed. The price you paid, the cost of giving Yourself over to men to be punished and killed can never be measured in worldly terms and for that sacrifice I thank you with my whole being and offer my life as a living sacrifice, knowing that because you live I shall live also.

The times we live in, are uncertain for many, filled with concerns, worries about what tomorrow may bring. You give us the assurance that should we submit to Your perfect will, You will grant us the grace to persevere. You will provide in our needs and never leave us to face our trials and tribulations alone. Through the guidance of Your Spirit, You will teach us how to live according to your Word.

Thank you that we can find rest in You amidst the turmoil in our hearts. Thank you for your undeserved mercy every day and above all, I thank you for the opportunity to know You and make You known. AMEN

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