
John 1 v 35 – 51

Imagine walking with Jesus, the promised Messiah, God in the flesh in whom their is no deceit? (v 48).  Should we complete this race and stay faithful to Him by obeying His commands, we will have the priviledge to be in His presence for an eternity.  Something worth living for, isn’t it?  Brothers, hold on to His promise, knowing He will come again and save us from this world.  Let’s look forward to that day when the heavens open and our Saviour is accompanied by angels on His return.  Have a blessed day in the presence of the Holy Spirit


John 1 v 19 – 34

May we, also, like John “be a voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord’…” (v 23)

John testified about Jesus’ appearance and we should testify about His reappearance.  I believe the second coming of our Lord Jesus is much closer than many would want to admit or anticipate.  Therefore we should ‘make straight the way of the Lord’ by proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom, warning the world that eminent judgement is pending, but also that there is everlasting life in the One whom they do not recognize as the Messiah.  Thank you Lord for your saving grace.  Hosanna in the Highest


My prayer for today is that you will experience the richness of God’s blessings.  He knows your heart, what your circumstances are and also your desires.  Submit fully to His will and allow Him to direct your ways.  Seek Him and His Kingdom first and the rest will be added.  God has a way of spoiling His children, simply because He is good.  He also has a way of disciplining His children 😔 purely because He is love.  He then provides for His children, because He is (absolutely) faithful.  I thank the Lord for our gift of faith and whether good times or bad, we may have true shalom, regardless of our circumstances.  Have a blessed day


My scripture for today is from John 1 v 1-18 and would like to highlight vers 1-2 and 14.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning [AND] 14 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

How often do we refer to the triune God (Trinity), whom we serve, but do we really understand the concept of 3-in-1?

I have heard many people say over the years they believe in God, but at the same time do not acknowledge Jesus as God.  I think this could cause you to have a wrong view of our Creator who became flesh, lived as a man, taught us about His kingdom, showed us His heart and love, carried the curse of sin and was made to be sin (2 Cor 5 v 21), although He knew no sin… All of this so that we might become the righteousness of God. 

In becoming flesh He gave a part of Himself and when returning back He gave another part of Himself in the form of the Spirit and this Spirit he gave us, is not a spirit of fear but gives us power, love and self-discipline (2 Tim 1 v 7).  A spirit that guides us into all truth, a spirit that not only convicts us, but intercedes for us in prayer. 

Brothers, let us listen to what the Spirit says and it will be well with our souls in the midst of our trials and tribulations. 

Thank you Lord for your love, compassion and grace.  May your love abound in us more and more so that we will also show others the same compassion and grace that you have granted us.  Amen



Ps 130 v 5

“I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope.” 

While I wait

Deep within my heart, I know You’ve won

I know You’ve overcome

And even in the dark, when I’m undone

I still believe it

I live by faith, and not by sight

Sometimes miracles take time

While I wait, I will worship

Lord, I’ll worship Your name

While I wait, I will trust You

Lord, I’ll trust You all the same

When I fall apart, You are my strength

Help me not forget

Seeing every scar, You make me whole

You’re my healer

I live by faith, and not by sight

Sometimes miracles take time

I live by faith, and not by sight

Sometimes miracles take time

While I wait, I will worship

Lord, I’ll worship Your name

While I wait, I will trust You

Lord, I’ll trust You all the same

You’re faithful every day

Your promises remain

You’re faithful every day

Your promises remain

You’re faithful every day

Your promises remain

You’re faithful every day

Your promises remain

Though I don’t understand it

I will worship with my pain

You are God, You are worthy

You are with me all the way

So while I wait, I will worship

Lord, I’ll worship Your name

Though I don’t have all the answers

Still I trust You all the same

Beloved brothers…   why was I prompted to choose a reading plan on patience this week?  Could it be because my patience would be tested to the ultimate today?  What is the Lord trying to tell me and show me?  Perhaps tomorrow’s reading will shed some light on that question 🤔 trust you had a good start to this week.  May it turn out to be a successful and prosperous week in your relationship with the Lord, colleagues, family and friends.  Blessings 🙏


Greetings in Jesus 🙏 wishing you a blessed and peaceful week in the presence of our Lord and Saviour.  Please join me on “5 days on patience” starting tomorrow and learn what biblical patience really means.  Scriptures for tomorrow:

James 1 v 2-12 and Psalm 130 v 1-8


Matt 6 v 22 – 23

I saw a well known actor, who they had an interview with quote from this passage in vers 22. 

“ the eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light”

Read further in vers 23 and notice how light and darkness is contrasted, yet also compared.  Scary to think that if the light that you think is in you is actually darkness – how GREAT is that darkness?  Is Satan not also refered to as the angel of light? I thank the Lord for His Living Word who is a light unto our path and lamp unto our feet.  🙏


Thanks brother!  Please also read Exodus 16 and be reminded of the Lord’s provision amidst our moaning about the (if I may say) first world problems…  we have so much to be thankful for and to refer to the great commission in Mat 28 we should rather be focusing on our and other people’s salvation and sanctification.


My scripture is from Exodus 6 v 1-13 and chapter 7 v 1-7

God kept His promise after His covenant with Israel and started the process of delivering them from their bondage under Pharaoh.  Although Moses was reluctant and said that his own people wouldn’t listen when speaking to them and asked how would Pharaoh listen?  He also used his poor speech as an excuse, but the Lord had appointed him, instructed him and empowered him (and Aaron) for this great task and they trusted and obeyed the Lord.  Let us also trust in the Lord when he gives us a task to do, without excuses and absolute willingness to do His will.  My prayer is that you and I will be available today to do God’s work for His Kingdom is at hand…  have a wonderfully blessed week filled with God’s peace.


Read Psalm 44 and focus on the second part of vers 21 “…for He knows the secrets of the heart”.  We tend to respond so easily with “God knows”, but do we always realize that indeed He does know…  period!  He knows the intensions of our hearts, minds and thoughts, even before we do!  The hurt we carry, the burdens we bear, but also the hate and the anger, the jealousy and malicious thoughts.  Let’s first be honest with ourselves about the condition of our own heart, in order to stand in a honest and transparent relationship with the Lord and those around us.  Have a blessed day.

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