
Mat 25 v 1-13; Rom 8 v 1-17; Ps 59 v 1-17; Num 28 v 1-30 v 16
Almighty Fortress

But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress” (Ps 59 v 16)

Do you wake up with a song in your heart in anticipation of what the Lord will do next or is every day just like the day before? Nothing to write home about… Not much to get exited about… Just another day at the office…

If this is the story of your life, then I strongly recommend that you start with some housekeeping. Not in the literal sense of course. I am referring to introspection. You can also call it self-examination. It basically means to analyze your current emotional and spiritual state.

Who is your go-to when you are happy and would like to share your experience and who do you consult in times of worry and distress?

If you proclaim to be a child of God, then surely He should be your first in everything. There isn’t anything wrong with calling your best friend when you have received good news or telling your parents about a terrible experience. The question is this. In whom do you trust for your salvation and deliverance?

Is the Lord truly your Alpha and Omega? Do you consider him your First Love and set aside a dedicated time in your busy schedule to meet with Him?

Is God your Shepherd, who provides as he sees fit, who restores our soul and guides us in the paths of righteousness, who comforts us in our darkest hour? Do we believe that His goodness and lovingkindness will follow us all the days of our lives? Well this is what David believed and we should take note of His dedication to the Lord.

O my strength, I will sing praises to You; For God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness” (vers 17)

How blessed are we! God loved us first. He didn’t expect us to meet any condition when He offered Himself as a sacrifice, but instead paid the hefty price to set us free should we decide to accept the gift of salvation, through repentance of our sinful nature.

For this reason we are called to know Him, serve Him and praise Him. He is our rock and fortress. His lovingkindness is never ending. The only reason why we struggle to see this is because we are short sighted for we only see in part.

The moment we give over and submit to the Lord, He can begin His good work in and through us. Trust in the Lord for He is faithful. Put your hope in Christ for He has set you free from the bondage of the flesh, which is bound to sin, but because you have set your mind on the things of the Spirit, you are alive to Christ and dead to sin (Rom 8 v 1-17).

Thanks be to God for all that He has done. He is righteous and just. Loving and kind. To Him all the glory, honour and power. Forever and ever. Amen.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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