
Mat 24 v 36-51; Rom 7 v 13-25; Ps 58 v 1-11; Num 26 v 1-27 v 33
As in the days of Noah

“…and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Mat 24 v 39)

The days of Noah are replayed in this “post-modern era” and we can see it in the attitude of the people who are bound to the things of this world, for they live their lives as if this time on earth is all that matters.

How would it be possible for us to be sober (in the spirit), alert and watchful for Christ’s return when we allow ourselves to be swept away with the drunkards and the immoral?

There should be a constant battle between our renewed minds and our flesh. This simply means that when temptation presents itself, we must flee from it. Paul acknowledges that their is nothing good in us and that even though we might have good intensions, we fail in doing so.

How then will we be able to stand blameless before the Lord Jesus, upon His return?

We need to seek the Lord, just like the men of old. They lived their lives dedicated to God, although not without mistakes, but in reverence, while obeying Him in everything they did, even when they disagreed and sometimes failed.

Many will not understand why the children of the Lord abstain from certain activities. They might feel that we discriminate, or simply think we are better than them. This is not true, but God has instructed us to live holy lives and we cannot serve God with one foot in the world.

Even though the flesh might get the better of us sometimes, we ought to take our thoughts captive when our minds start to wander, for we are stuck in this “body of death” until we pass on to the next life.

Do not allow the sinful pleasures that this world has to offer, distract you from the everlasting reward that awaits us when Jesus returns. Let us press on and run this race with one goal in mind – an eternity with out Creator and Saviour.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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