
1 Corinthians 15 v 1-15
An empty tomb

But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised…” (vers 13)

Why is it so hard to believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Surely if Jesus is who He said He was, then His prediction that He would die and be raised up, after three days, came to pass just as He had said it would.

It is one thing to believe in Jesus’ death as atonement for our sin, but the true test of our faith is to believe in His bodily resurrection, which is probably the greatest miracle – of all time – in my opinion. If resurrections took place every other day, then Christ’s resurrection wouldn’t be unique and there would be no reason to believe in anything extraordinary about the events, surrounding His resurrection…

The cross and the resurrection go hand in hand. To believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins is only the beginning of something far greater. The resurrection spurred the greatest evangelical period in the history of mankind, to such an extend that people would give their lives for the sake of this truth!

To believe that Jesus got of the cross and simply came into our hearts and only rose spiritually is the biggest lie since the serpent promised Eve that she wouldn’t die before she ate from the forbidden fruit and just look at how that turned out for us. We have proven to a great extend that the Word of God is true, reliable and infallible and therefore we can walk in assurance knowing our faith is not in vain.

The tomb is empty! Jesus is alive! Today, when you celebrate His resurrection, you can also celebrate His victory over sin. Our free will has been restored at the cross and through believing in His resurrection, we are reconciled in our relationship with our Creator.

To God all the GLORY, HONOUR and POWER. Forever and EVER. AMEN!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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