Having also started working for a new company the weekly devotionals have been “left behind” for the time being and hopefully I will be able to resume these shortly.

Please write to us and share your testimonies of faith or post your request for prayer should you wish for us to bring you before the Lord and petition on your behalf in prayer.

Times are uncertain and our only hope is to put our trust in the Lord Jesus. For many this seems like a fairy tale, but for those living each and every moment in absolute dependence, knowing that God provides in their needs, this is an unmistakable reality.

Blessings, in Jesus

Update regarding daily devotionals

Change to weekly devotionals

I trust that you have been blessed through the content on this website and as much as I would like to spend more time writing articles and/or devotionals on a daily basis, I have realized that this is not possible at the moment.

Due to time constraints, it has just become impossible to publish content during the week and therefore I have decided to write weekly devotionals (for a start) and hopefully soon be able to also publish more of the other content on the site.

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