When we have reached that ripe age where it could be our time to depart this life and transition to the next, having enjoyed the blessings of our old age, surely we do not want the Lord to deny us entry into the promised land? Why wait until our eyes have dimmed and the hearing has declined and our brain is slowly starting to shrink, causing our minds to become disconnected from reality?

Choose the path leading to everlasting life while you are still young. Ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes and ears and to give you the mind of Christ. Dedicate the latter part of your life to God and be prepared to work for His kingdom, which is not of this world.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and may this seed cause abundant growth in your life.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

Rom 16 v 1-27

Innocent as a dove

“…but I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.” (vers 19)

For as long as I can remember, it has always been a battle between good and evil.
The problem is that the world has taught us that just being good is enough. Enough for what? Enough to live a good life, because everything comes to a halt when you die and you need to leave a legacy behind, which shows everyone, just what a good person you were…

No one is good

On the contrary, the bible teaches us that NO ONE is good, not one – not a single person – and that we all fall short and seek darkness rather than light. Does this mean that we cannot discern what is good, right and acceptable in the Lord’s sight? Of course not! We are instructed to apply wisdom and discern every spirit to see whether it is from God.

What is the writer referring to then, when he says that we ought to be “wise in what is good“?
Once we realise that we are merely sinners and that our life (outside of Christ) is testimony to that which is evil, then and only then, can we discern between good and evil.

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