
Jeremiah 40 v 9
Consequences of serving the king of Babylon and going (back) to Egypt

…stay in the land and serve the king of Babylon, that it may go well with you.

The events take place after Jerusalem is invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (Jeremiah 39 v 1 – 44 v 30).

In this illustration, the king of Babylon can be seen as the idols of our day, while Egypt is a type of the world. The world has been invaded by pop artists, actors and other celebrities and we are encouraged to “worship” these individuals and even pursue their way of life.

They paint a picture of how successful they are and that their lifestyle should be admired and even copied. Just look around you and you’ll see how the generation of our time is so brainwashed while they mimic these artists and even when warned, the majority do not give heed.

Jeremiah chose to remain in Judah and warned the people not to go to Egypt, but they simply rejected his warning as well as God’s instruction, and followed their own way and mind. Just as God warned His people through the prophets, they continued to serve other gods (Jer 44 v 3).

The same happens today, when we would rather spend time watching sports, movies and reading up about the “icons” of our time, instead of devoting ourselves to the Lord, being “soaked” in His Word, built up for every good work. Does this mean we shouldn’t watch or listen to anything other than teachings and sermons? Off course not! As long as your life does not revolve around all the “pleasures” this world has to offer.

There is a warning though. We need to be careful, because we can so easily decide to return to Egypt, to fulfill the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh, and before we know it we follow after other “gods”.

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