Posting and Replying

Last updated: 2022-04-15

We know just how much everyone despises the “T’s and C’s” section of any website, but as you know this is required to protect everyone posting and commenting on the Site. We therefore plea that you accept this in the right spirit and trust you will see our heart when familiarizing yourself with these terms.


The purpose of the Site is to share your faith with fellow believers and through that learn from one another to mature in Christ, and therefore any differences should be dealt with in love, with compassion and in a respectable manner. This is not a platform to argue about theological differences as there will be many among us, but rather to focus on our relationship with the Lord, loving Him first and foremost with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and as a result our neighbor as our self.

Now that we have broken the ice, please take a few moments to read through the below:


  1. Elevating Truth manages (the “Site”) as well as  For Terms of use when visiting the website, please navigate here

By posting on the Site through selecting the “Post comment” button (where applicable), you agree to the terms and conditions set out herein.

Elevating Truth may modify these submission Terms at any time without prior notice to you by publishing revised Terms on the Site. Your submission of a “Comment” to the following the amendment of these Terms shall constitute your binding acceptance of and agreement to be bound by those modified Terms.

  1. Elevating Truth has the right, although not obligated, to take any of the below actions, in Elevating Truth’s sole unencumbered discretion, at any time, and for (or even without) any reason, without providing any prior notice:
    1. Limit, suspend or terminate your ability to post “Comments”;
    2. Change, suspend or alter all or any part of the Site or the features thereof;
    3. Refuse or remove any material posted on, submitted to or communicated through the Site by you;
    4. Please refer to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Law regarding your right to a Data Access Request.

  2. You agree that, while navigating through the Site and using any of the features thereof, you will not:
    1. Proceed to infringe on any applicable law or online regulation;
    2. Attempt to Interfere with or cause harm to the Site, through hacking or any other malicious means;
    3. Transmit or introduce to the Site or to other users thereof any viruses, cancel bots, Trojan horses, flood pings, denial of service attacks, or any other harmful code or processes;
    4. Transfer or submit any harmful, intimidating, offensive, harassing, derogatory, deceiving, deceitful, explicit, crude, discourteous, lustful, violent, hateful or otherwise abhorrent content or material;
    5. Convey or submit any unsolicited advertising, marketing materials, or spam;
    6. Stalk or harass any user or visitor to the Site; or
    7. Use the content or information available on the Site for any unsuitable purpose.

    4. You preserve the Copyright of any “Comment” you submit to the Site. By posting a “Comment” to the Site, you agree to grant Elevating Truth an irreversible, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual (permanent) license to use the material or commentary that you have submitted, in any medium and in any fitting manner that Elevating Truth may, in its sole, unfettered discretion, choose to do.

    5. By submitting a “Comment” to the Site, you agree to comply with the following rules concerning these posts:
    1.  You agree to refrain from posting (but not limited to) the following in your “Comments”:
      1. Any false, defamatory, insulting, bullying, racially offensive, sexually explicit, indecent, detrimental, vulgar, hateful, unlawful, or otherwise questionable content;
      2. Any content that may be seen as stalking or harassing of any other Site contributors;
      3. Any content that personally attacks an individual, of which a good example would be to post negative comments about an individual in a way meant to demean the person. This does not include posting your opinion about someone’s ideas, doctrine or actions.
      4. Any content that discloses private details regarding any person, i.e. phone numbers whether public or non-public, photos that are not in the public domain, residential address’ that are not public, ID numbers, Social Security numbers, email addresses that are not in the public domain, and IP addresses etc.;
      5. Any content / information that you know to be false, distorted, or deceitful;
      6. Any use of profanity, i.e. blasphemy or expletive language
      7. Any content including advertisements or otherwise focused on the promotion of commercial events or businesses, or any request for or solicitation of money, goods, or services for private gain;
      8. Any content that contains software that may release viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; or
      9. Any content directly or indirectly soliciting responses from minors (defined as anyone under 18 years of age).
    1. It is your responsibility to give credit in your “Comment” should you have quoted a third party.  You are required to mention the page number (if quoted from a book) or a link (url) to the website where you acquired the information.
    2. Your “Comment” may contain Copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. You are however allowed to make such material available in your “Comment” in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, religious and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on the Blog, the Channel and/or the Group is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
    3. If you wish to use copyrighted material from a website or any other medium for purposes to add to your “Comment” that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. (Fair Use means you may quote from copyrighted sources, but you may not publish the whole article, book, etc., in your “Comment”.)
  2. You are solely responsible for the “Comment” you upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available to other users via the Site. Under no circumstances will Elevating Truth be held liable or take responsibility in any way for any “Comment” posted on or made available through the Site by you or any third party.
  3. You understand that all “Comments” on the Site are pre-screened or moderated. That means that every “Comment” needs to be approved by Elevating Truth before it appears in the “Comments” section.  This is not an automatic process.  Elevating Truth does this for SPAM reasons. This process will be evaluated for a period to see if any comments are of a derogatory nature and if it seems that users of the site are respectful we might consider automating the posting of comments.
  4. Elevating Truth has the right (but not the obligation) in their sole unrestrained discretion to remove any “Comment” that is posted on or available through the Blog, the Channel and/or the Group. Without limiting the foregoing, Elevating Truth has the right to remove any “Comment” that violates these Terms or is otherwise deemed objectionable by Elevating Truth in its sole discretion.
  5. You understand and agree that Elevating Truth in their sole unconstrained discretion is not obligated and can not be forced in any manner, be it legal or otherwise to remove any “Comment” that is posted on or made available through the Blog, the Channel and/or the group by you. We do believe that due to the nature of the Blog, the Channel and/or the Group this should not be an issue, although the above still stands.
  6. When submitting a “Comment” on the Blog, you will be asked to provide your name or nickname (username) and your Email address. Elevating Truth does not object to your use of an alias instead of your actual name. Elevating Truth reserves the right, but not the obligation, to reject, alter, prohibit, or suspend at any time any submission name that, in Elevating Truth’s sole unencumbered discretion, is offensive or inappropriate for whatever reason. Elevating Truth requires the submission of your email address, but Elevating Truth warrants that it will not publish your Email address to any outside third party without your consent.
  7. Elevating Truth does not sell, rent or freely provide your personal information to ANY third parties for their marketing purposes. From time to time, Elevating Truth may contact you personally via Email. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, you acknowledge and understand that the “Comments” feature of the Blog, the Channel and/or the Group is designed to permit users to post information and commentary for public review and comment and thus you hereby waive any expectancy of privacy you may have concerning any resemblance or data provided to the Site by you.
  8. You are solely responsible for your collaborations with other users of or visitors to the Blog, the Channel and/or the Group.
    1. Elevating Truth shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor interactions utilizing the “Comments” facility of the Site, between you and other users. You acknowledge and agree that Elevating Truth, or any third party shall not be, and you shall not seek to hold them, responsible for any harm or damage whatsoever arising in connection with your interaction with other users of or visitors to the Site.
    2. Elevating Truth does not verify any information posted to or communicated via the Site by users and does not guarantee the appropriate use of such information by any party who may have access to the information. You acknowledge and agree that Elevating Truth does not assume, and shall not have, any responsibility for the content of messages or other communications sent or received by users of Site.
  9. The Site contains content created by or on behalf of Elevating Truth as well as content provided by third parties.
    1. Elevating Truth does not have control over, and makes no representations or warranties about, any third party content, including such content that may be accessible directly on the Site or through links from the Site to any third party sites.
    2. You acknowledge that, by visiting and viewing the Site or communications transmitted through the Site, you may be exposed to third party content that is false, offensive or otherwise objectionable to you or others, and you agree that under no circumstances shall Elevating Truth be liable in any way, under any theory, for any third party content.
    3. You acknowledge and agree that the Site, and the contents thereof, is proprietary to Elevating Truth and is protected by copyright. You agree that you will not access or use the Site or any of the content thereof for any reason or resolve other than your personal, non-commercial use.
    4. You agree that you will not systematically retrieve data or other content from the Site by any means, and you will not accumulate a database, log or directory of information extracted from the Site.
    5. You agree that you will not duplicate, distribute or make derivative works of the Site or any of the contents thereof without the direct consent of Elevating Truth.
    6. You hereby agree to indemnify, guard and hold harmless Elevating Truth, its affiliates and licensees, and all of their officers, directors, employees, data protection officers (DPO), agents and representatives from and against any and all liabilities, losses, claims, damages, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) in connection with any claim arising out of your use of the Site or violation of any of these Terms.

Please see Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for more details.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


  1. Some comments might inevitably land in the spam section and the Administrator will therefore check regularly and approve any comments not considered spam.
  2. In the unfortunate event of your comment accidentally deleted, you will be asked to post it again.
  3. The authors of Site will not necessarily comment seeing that they already post the topics, but may decide to comment should the opportunity arise.
  4. Therefore, If we don’t reply to your comment, it is simply because we encourage you to fellowship with one another.

Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the content of this section.  We trust that you are satisfied and comfortable with proceeding to the comments section. 

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