
Isaiah 1 v 18
"Come now and let us reason together"

The Lord is not a dictator with puppets for children. He has given us a free will to choose. Unfortunately we sometimes choose to abuse our free will and still God does not simply wipe us of the face of the earth, does He?

In the preceding verses (16 & 17), He instructs us to;

  • cease doing evil and
  • learn to do good
  • seek justice
  • rebuke the ruthless
  • defend the orphan and
  • plead for the widow

Approach the Lord today with a broken heart and contrite spirit and though “your sins are as scarlet and red like crimsons, they will become white as snow, like wool…” [paraphrase]

Seek the Lord while He can still be found. “Consent and obey” and your fruits will multiply. Amen

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”