
Mat 18 v 1-14; Acts 25 v 1-12; Ps 40 v 1-17; Lev 8 v 1-10 v 20
Childlike faith versus religious practice

“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mat 18 v 3)

Do you practice your faith like a child, simply trusting in their parents to provide in their needs and sustain them or is your faith based around religious practice and head knowledge about God and His word, while you focus on working hard to provide in your own needs?

I do not expect you to simply answer yes or no, but take the time to think about your relationship with the living God.  Are you a stumbling block or a blessing to others?  Do you usually have all the answers, yet live a life of doubt, believing in a form of godliness, having read all the books you possibly can about the bible and still haven’t come to the knowledge of the truth?

Just look at Paul who studied the law and lived according to it and even supported the persecution of those who believed in Jesus.  When he converted and became a follower of Jesus, he simply believed that God would teach him, while providing in his needs and sustaining him throughout his journeys. 

This God did, while also protecting him, more than once, against those who plotted to kill him.  Even though he seemed alone when on trial, having to defend himself, the Spirit guided him in every situation and he was able to speak with confidence.

David says that a man is blessed who has made the Lord His trust and has not turned to the proud (Ps 40 v 4).  If you feel like a lost sheep, perhaps you should consider turning to the God of the bible with a childlike faith.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Humbly seek His face in the scriptures and He will reveal Himself to you. 

He no longer requires sacrifice and meal offerings and does not desire burnt offering and sin offerings like he did in the time of Moses and Aaron, when they were given a specific manner in which they had to worship and present themselves before the Almighty God.

Today we can live a life, dedicated to the Lord, while worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth, wherever we are.  Trust in the Lord for your salvation.  Believe in his saving grace and allow Him to teach you all things regarding His kingdom.  Cut those things from your life that is causing you to stumble and ask the Lord to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 

Let us sing songs of praise for God has put a new song in our mouth and has written His law on our hearts.  Therefore, believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus has risen from the dead and you will be saved.  Amen

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation