
Mat 15 v 1-20; Acts 21 v 1-26; Ps 35 v 1-28; Ex 32 v 1-33 v 23
Bound for the sake of the gospel

For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” (Acts 21 v 13)

Paul, a man who relentlessly persecuted the church because of the gospel, was now willing to be bound for the sake of the gospel. What could bring about such a sudden change to a man that practiced the law to the letter?

This is the power of the blood that was shed by our Lord and Saviour on the cross and just as Moses interceded for the people, pleading with God, not to pour out His wrath on them, Jesus too, interceded for us, by offering His life as atonement for all the things that defile us, according to Matthew 15 v 19.

Are you willing to suffer for the sake of the truth? Which truth, you may ask…

The truth of what Jesus has done and the good news of salvation through His saving grace. Countless people have tried to discredit the bible and deny the existence of our Messiah and have failed.

For the harder they try to deny this truth, the more people come to the knowledge of the truth, because of the overwhelming evidence presented, not only in the Scriptures, but also in a multitude of secular writings. Not even to mention the work of the Holy Spirit in places where owning a bible is prohibited.

Jesus said that should we choose to follow Him, we will also be persecuted and mocked, for if they persecuted Him, we will not escape the wrath of the world. Have you made a choice for Christ, knowing that He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father, accept through Him? (John 14 v 6).

Do not procrastinate. Take up your cross and follow Christ. He is who He says He is. Just ask those who have been saved out of religions where they are either persecuted or even killed for their faith in Jesus.

A famine is coming and it seems much sooner than you might think. A time when we will seek God and long for His truth and it will not be heard. Seek the Lord while He can still be found.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation