
Brothers, What does it mean to have peace, true shalom? The kind of peace that only the Lord can provide, amidst our afflictions here on earth. Join me for “5 days on peace”. Let’s discover the true meaning of this attribute or “fruit” of the Spirit. Have a blessed day and continue faithfully in prayer at all times. Seek the Lord with all your heart and place your hope in Him. He will not disappoint! 🙏

Day 1
Col 3 v 12-17
Heb 4 v 1-13
1 Thes 5 v 19-24

To find the peace of Christ and to let it rule in our hearts, is to believe and through believing, find our rest in Him.  It seems however it doesn’t stop there and also requires compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, thankfulness, patience, love and forgiveness.  How often do we find ourselves in a storm and we simply cannot calm down? 

A good word to describe it for me is “tumult” – turmoil, confusion and unrest and we wonder why there is no peace…   but there’s more;  do not quench the Spirit, i.e allow the Spirit to teach and guide you,  while holding fast to that which is good.  Depart and abstain from [all] evil and let the God of peace, our Heavenly Father sanctify us so that we can be blameless when He comes. 

May your day be filled with joy and peace knowing Jesus has fulfilled the whole law and has overcome and defeated sin and death so that we can enter His rest.  Praise Him for He is good!

Day 2
John 16 v 33

“I have told you these things [above] so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Rejoyce in the fact that Jesus has overcome this world, its sin and temptations and has given us His Spirit who is not a spirit of fear and confusion and deceit, but the Spirit of TRUTH who intercedes for us and comforts us on a daily basis. 

We are only here for a little while brothers and although we’ll experience suffering and tribulation, rest assured that His love and grace is sufficient and that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  Place your hope in Him knowing that He is who He says He is and that one day we will be united with our Creator.  May God’s peace fill your whole being.  Be still and know He is God!

__ I firmly believe that if we love anyone or anything more than God, there will always be a void that has to be filled and this is when people start looking for God in other places, places outside of His sanctuary.  Places that cannot provide the true Peace, He grants us when we seek Him with our whole being.

Day 3
Ps 23 v 1-6
Heb 12 v 4-13
1 Chron 22 v 6-13

The same God who “leads us beside quiet waters and restores our souls” and who gives us His rest, is the God who disciplines and comforts us with His rod and staff for our own good.

Heavenly Father, Strengthen our weak hands and our feeble knees that our brokeness may be healed.

Day 4
Rom 5 v 1-11
Eph 4 v 1-7
Mark 9 v 42-50

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…”

(Rom 5 v 1)

Only faith in God can provide peace, seeing that we were God’s enemies before accepting His grace (v10).  So let us now walk in a manner worthy of this calling and as one body be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  (Eph 4 v 1 – 3).

Day 5
Judges 6 v 11-24
Phil 4 v 4-9

Through prayer and petition make your requests known and the Peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension [and understanding], will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil 4 v 6 & 7).  Also, if we practice that which is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and of good repute, the God of peace will be with us.  May we too, like Gideon, also experience God’s presence, knowing that He will grant us the strength and the grace to overcome our enemies. 

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