We should rejoice in the fact that God uses people strategically to do His will in order to have His way, how He sees fit. Whether they believe in Him or not. He can use us just like He did with the King, Mordecai and Esther, who pleaded with the King for the sake of the Jews.

From one king to the next, David once again acknowledges His dependence on the Lord, stating that in “His presence is fullness and joy.” (Ps 16 v 11) Continue to set your eyes and heart on the Lord, knowing that He completes us.

There is nothing good for us in this life beside Him. Without His spirit, our bodies are merely empty vessels waiting to undergo decay. Seek the Lord today while He can still be found.

Blessings in Jesus.

Day 6
John 3 v 22 – 30 and John 16 v 16 – 24

We will experience true, unimaginable joy, with Jesus’ return should we count ourselves among those who have endured. Let us continue to run this race as the bride seeking the bridegroom’s voice while proclaiming Isaiah’s words as John did “I am the voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” (Is 40 v 3; John 1 v 23)

My prayer for today is that the Lord will be your hope and your deliverer. This I ask in the Name of our Heavenly Father. Do not pray for temporary, earthly things that have no value. Ask the Lord for wisdom, patience, compassion, understanding and above all forgiveness of your sins so that “your joy may be made full.” Amen

Day 7
Psalms 51 v 1 – 19

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