A Prayer by Habakkuk
Habakkuk praises the Lord and describes His Magnificent Splendour and Almighty power in the preceding verses (1 – 10), which makes one believe God is capable of anything, which He is, but even “though the fig tree should not blossom and there be no fruit on the vines, though the yield of the olive should fail and the fields produce no food, though flock should be cut off from the fold and there be no cattle in the stalls, yet I will EXULT in the Lord, I will REJOICE in the God of my salvation.”

We will experience trials and tribulation in this life, it helps us mature, while we learn to depend on God for our daily needs. We should continue to trust in Him during these times and rejoice in the fact that He is our rock, our salvation, our hope and our strength. Just as it is written in 1 Peter, chapter 4, when we are in Christ, we will share in His suffering and get a taste of how He experienced hardship and was mocked and rejected by the people. Through this we should “rejoice in exultation”, knowing that we are blessed and God’s favour rests on us.

Have a spirit filled day.

Day 4
1 Chronicles 29 v 10 – 20 and Nehemiah 8 v 9 -18

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”
The people rejoiced in bringing their offerings, they rejoiced when the book of the law was read. They were not perfect, yet their hearts were set on the Lord. This is the point. If we set our hearts on Him and make Him our focus, He will give us the strength to keep His commandments and statutes and we will do so joyously.

Therefore rejoice in the fact that everything you have been granted is the Lord’s and that in giving back we actually bless Him and acknowledge Him as our provider. Never forget that we are merely passing through, sojourners… tenants… this is not our home and we should not seek to establish kingdoms and build castles.

Look forward to that day when Jesus returns and rejoice in knowing that you will spend an eternity with Him should you seek Him and do the will of the Father, just as He did.

Day 5
Esther 8 v 11 – 17 and Psalms 16 v 1 – 11

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