
Mat 2 v 13-23; Acts 2 v 22-47; Ps 4 v 1-8; Gen 9 v 1 - 11 v 32
Be saved from this perverse generation

Everything that God has made for His glory the world has perverted.  Look at what has been “achieved” by this generation alone and how the rainbow has been used to represent something the Lord has not intended, and I am afraid it will get much worse in the next couple of years, where we will have to bend the knee and embrace this movement or else…

We are in this world, but not from it and instructed to love others, although we shouldn’t be occupied with the pleasures of this world, but instead live a holy life, for Christ is Holy and if we are to be of one mind, in accordance with His will, we also ought to be holy. 

God made a promise that He will never again flood the earth with water as He did in Noah’s time and gave us the rainbow as a reminder.  In this day and age we live in, it is so easy to lose hope because of the relentless onslaught on the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Do not be dismayed.  We can rest assured that God is faithful.

He has set us apart and we should devote ourselves to His teachings, praying continually.  We should also have communion, reminding ourselves of the price He paid to deliver us from the bondage of sin.  We should pray for this generation, that many may come to the knowledge of the truth, for the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

Only the God of the bible can save us out of this world, when Jesus returns.  Do not be caught off guard, for He will come unexpectedly.  Fill your lamps with oil while you still can.  May the Lord keep you safe during these uncertain times.  Fix your eyes on Him and allow His Spirit to guide you on the way you should go.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation